Titanium Community Questions & Answer Archive

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Problems running applications on device


yesterday I have received my HTC Desire running Android 2.1 and so I decided to install my app and KitchenSink to try them out.

Unfortunately I could not.

KitchenSink forces to close as soon as I open it whilst my app does not show the buttons (i.e. image buttons) so I cannot click on them to continue.

Anyone had the same issues?

— asked April 12th 2010 by Simon Facciol
  • 2.1
  • android

14 Answers

  • We don't have an HTC Desire in house, so I haven't tested on one. We need a log to help track it down.

    The easiest thing to do is run adb -d logcat from the command line. You can either pipe it to a file, or just copy out the crash portion (stacktrace).

    For color coded msg, use the ddms tool.

    — answered April 12th 2010 by Don Thorp
  • I never got kitchensink running on the emulator using ti so far. The closest I got is the same as you, once it launches, it crashed.

    — answered April 13th 2010 by Peter Lum
  • Ok. I will try to do run the command when i have time later on today.

    Have you tested on the nexus1? as they are very similar.

    — answered April 13th 2010 by Simon Facciol
  • I am having the same issue as Peter Lum.

    Upgraded to Java 1.6 from 1.5 and now I can get the kitchensink app launched in the emulator. However, it crashes right away.

    OS X 10.5, TI 1.2.1, KitchenSink 1.0, Android 1.6 (I've gotten the furthest with Android 1.6)

    Any ideas on how to resolve this?

    — answered April 13th 2010 by Eliot Dill
  • I have un-installed KitchenSink and my application from my android mobile and tried reinstalling again and this time the KitchenSink worked at least.

    But I noticed that when I install my application onto my mobile there are lots of files(nearly 50%) in the apk package missing.

    I don't know why on the emulator everything is fine both when running 1.6 and 2.1. Is there anything wrong with the android python script that packages the application to run on the device?

    — answered April 13th 2010 by Simon Facciol
  • I have un-installed KitchenSink and my application from my android mobile and tried reinstalling again and this time the KitchenSink worked at least.

    But I noticed that when I install my application onto my mobile there are lots of files(nearly 50%) in the apk package missing.

    I don't know why on the emulator everything is fine both when running 1.6 and 2.1. Is there anything wrong with the android python script that packages the application to run on the device?

    — answered April 13th 2010 by Simon Facciol
  • I have un-installed KitchenSink and my application from my android mobile and tried reinstalling again and this time the KitchenSink worked at least.

    But I noticed that when I install my application onto my mobile there are lots of files(nearly 50%) in the apk package missing.

    I don't know why on the emulator everything is fine both when running 1.6 and 2.1. Is there anything wrong with the android python script that packages the application to run on the device?

    — answered April 13th 2010 by Simon Facciol
  • I have un-installed KitchenSink and my application from my android mobile and tried reinstalling again and this time the KitchenSink worked at least.

    But I noticed that when I install my application onto my mobile there are lots of files(nearly 50%) in the apk package missing.

    I don't know why on the emulator everything is fine both when running 1.6 and 2.1. Is there anything wrong with the android python script that packages the application to run on the device?

    — answered April 13th 2010 by Simon Facciol
  • I have un-installed KitchenSink and my application from my android mobile and tried reinstalling again and this time the KitchenSink worked at least.

    But I noticed that when I install my application onto my mobile there are lots of files(nearly 50%) in the apk package missing.

    I don't know why on the emulator everything is fine both when running 1.6 and 2.1. Is there anything wrong with the android python script that packages the application to run on the device?

    — answered April 13th 2010 by Simon Facciol
  • I have un-installed KitchenSink and my application from my android mobile and tried reinstalling again and this time the KitchenSink worked at least.

    But I noticed that when I install my application onto my mobile there are lots of files(nearly 50%) in the apk package missing.

    I don't know why on the emulator everything is fine both when running 1.6 and 2.1. Is there anything wrong with the android python script that packages the application to run on the device?

    — answered April 13th 2010 by Simon Facciol
  • I have un-installed KitchenSink and my application from my android mobile and tried reinstalling again and this time the KitchenSink worked at least.

    But I noticed that when I install my application onto my mobile there are lots of files(nearly 50%) in the apk package missing.

    I don't know why on the emulator everything is fine both when running 1.6 and 2.1. Is there anything wrong with the android python script that packages the application to run on the device?

    — answered April 13th 2010 by Simon Facciol
  • Seems that something happened when I posted my last message as it has been posted multiple times.

    — answered April 13th 2010 by Simon Facciol
  • Finally I successfully installed my application on my mobile device.

    I followed the Installation of the application on the emulator from the Titanium debugger and then I just ran:

    adb install -r E:DevelopmenttadaTadabuildandroidbinapp.apk

    I had only my phone attached as a device and the emulator was closed.

    I don't know why it does not work when you use "Install to Device", but at least I can work now.

    — answered April 14th 2010 by Simon Facciol
  • I never got the 'run on device' to work for me I have a HTC desire.

    Instead I package it for distribution and copy to sdcard and then use something like "astro filemanager" to install and also uninstall.

    You will need to go to Android developer area to get the command to generate a key for the purpose of debugging.

    Hope it helps

    — answered November 9th 2010 by Kevin
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