Titanium Community Questions & Answer Archive

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Show the same row in filtered list as in tableview ...

Dear Experts,

I have created tableview same as table_view_layout_3.js example, (+) image to add item in sortlist and (-) image to remove it from the sortlist. In addition I have also included search bar in that. And label.text is added as filterAttribute.

At this stage I enter text in searchbar, filtered table showing rows with label.text in default font size and no image (+) which I placed in tableview I created. I know, it is because my filterAttribute is just a lable.text.

My tableview has almost 3000+ rows in it. What I want to achieve is, when user filter the tableview by entering the text in search bar, filtered tabledview appears in same layout as without filtering it, with same label text size, (+) / (-) image and action attached to it. So user can click on the (+) image in filtered tableview to add item in sortlist and click on (-) to remove it from the sortlist, same as they can do it without filtering the tableview.

Note: If I have confused reader of this question please ask for more clarification.

— asked May 19th 2010 by Chirag Patel
  • filter
  • filterattribute
  • iphone
  • layout
  • searcbar
  • tableview
  • tableviewrow

1 Answer

  • Accepted Answer

    Hi there Chirag

    This is a longstanding issue that was raised in November last year, according to Lighthouse the team considered it at some length and it was supposedly addressed in released 1.3.0 - see issue 362 here:

    Unfortunately there seems to be no documentation and KitchenSink TableView Search example does not demonstrate it. So if it has been implemented, you'd have to guess how it works from the comments.

    Hopefully we can have some clues on how to implement this since we've waited so long and Appcelerator have spent time resolving it.


    — answered May 20th 2010 by Chris Reed
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