Titanium Community Questions & Answer Archive

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Android Bug? tabBarHidden = true Does Not Work


I think I found a bug in Android. The tabBarHidden property of a window, when set to true, does not hide the tab bar like it does on the iPhone.

To reproduce, go to app.js in the KitchenSink example app and add tabBarHidden = true to win1 like this:

var win1 = Titanium.UI.createWindow({
    tabBarHidden: true

When I run the app in the iPhone simulator, the tab bar is hidden, as expected. However, when I run the app in the Android simulator, the tab bar still appears at the top.

Is this a bug? If so, how can I log it somewhere?

Thank you and keep up the great work on Appcelerator!!


— asked June 9th 2010 by Ryan Asleson
  • android
  • I don't get it, how does "Android doesn't have a tab bar control…" qualify as an answer this question? Can someone point us to an example of how this is done? Kitchensink uses tabs on Android doesn't it?

    — commented June 14th 2010 by Ben Hornedo
  • Try This Link, Mritunjay Singh Answer this This is really help for you

    — commented June 15th 2012 by Mritunjay Singh

7 Answers

  • Then there has to be a way to have navigation without a tabgroup in android, otherwise this cross platform development is useless. If you are forced to have a tabgroup present on iphone, even if the individual tabs are hidden, in order to have a navigation bar, but the tabs are shown no matter what on android, then what is the point of hiding the tab unless you only do iphone development, and in that case I would use something like Nimblekit rather than Titanium.

    — answered August 4th 2010 by Jonathan Bardi
  • you can use this code to hide Tab Bar in android

    tabGroup.addEventListener("open", function(){

    — answered July 3rd 2012 by Dang Anh
    • Awesome man… it works…!
      Your the man of the year :)

      — commented March 13th 2013 by madhav palshikar
    • it does not work in latest Titanium SDKs like 3.2.x and onward.Provide solution for that if you have.

      — commented March 24th 2014 by Ali Akram
  • Android doesn't have a tab bar control, so it doesn't respond to that property. A tab group is a different beastie.

    — answered June 9th 2010 by Don Thorp
    • So how do I hide the tab bar in KitchenSink on Android like I did on iPhone?

      — commented June 9th 2010 by Ryan Asleson
    • Um, let me emphasise what Don said, "Android doesn't have a tab bar". ;)

      If you want to hide the tabgroup, use navBarHidden: true.

      — commented November 10th 2010 by Paul Dowsett
  • Tried running it at fullscreen?

    — answered June 11th 2010 by Clayton Narcis
    1 Comment
    • Using fullscreen is bad practice in most cases, because it hides the default status bar. Unnecessarily hiding it may get your app marked down in reviews, and possibly rejected from the marketplace(s).

      — commented November 10th 2010 by Paul Dowsett
  • // create the window
    var win1 = Titanium.UI.createWindow({
        fullscreen: true,  // this line does the trick
        navBarHidden : true,
        exitOnClose: true,
    // open the window
    — answered November 9th 2010 by George Marmaridis
  • Guys I realize this was 7 months ago, but with navBarHidden: true I see a huge gray bar at the top of my application in android that I don't see in iphone… so I realize in android it doesn't have a nav bar but instead it has a huge gray bar… so how would one go about not having a huge gray bar?

    — answered May 13th 2011 by Todd Fisher
  • Hey Todd: Did you get that figured out? I have a big grey title bar on my Android app now that I don't want. I'd love to hear if you got it figured out.

    — answered July 11th 2011 by Douglas Bonneville
    1 Comment
    • I'd like to join this party, myself, some 5 months since the last entry. If anyone got this solved, please jump in with the answer for those still searching for a solution. Much appreciated.

      — commented December 6th 2011 by Rob Wilkerson
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