Titanium Community Questions & Answer Archive

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iPod Touch crash - Iphone is fine... LOW MEMORY

Recently loaded my app onto an iPod Touch 8GB (new ipod) and it is crashing. There is no warning dialog, it just quits the app. The log in Xcode displays 'Low Memory' for these events.

The window being opened that seems to crash is mainly a scrollView map. It loads several PNG files to piece together the map regions.

In watching the memory usage in the OSx activity monitor, the 'Real Memory Size' jumps to around 30MB. There are several other memory values in Activity monitor, but I don't know what one is accurate or which one is important.

I have been testing my app on my iPhone 3GS successfully for a while now, and the app does NOT crash on iphone or iPad.

Does anyone else have this problem? Is there a memory difference with the iPod and iPhone? Is there an established RAM limit for the devices?

I can also not find any information about memory management for Titanium. Any help is greatly appreciated.

— asked August 23rd 2010 by Todd Soligo
  • crash
  • iphone
  • ipod
  • low
  • memory
  • ram
  • touch

5 Answers

  • -subscribing-

    — answered August 23rd 2010 by danno watts
    • Does this mean you have the same issue? Trying to determine if my code is bad or if this is a problem with Titanium.

      — commented August 23rd 2010 by Todd Soligo
    • it does crash occasionally , but when dealing with the camera and not the map.

      i've also had issues with opening of modal windows on the device and it crashes, but just fine on the simulator.

      — commented August 23rd 2010 by danno watts
  • The ipod is slow, so strip down as much as you can


    — answered August 23rd 2010 by Dan Tamas
  • Does anyone have experience submitting an app that was crashing on the iPod? Will Apple reject an app for that reason?

    It seems like I hear about a lot of apps purchased from the app store frequently crashing on the iPod. So that would lead me to believe they would not reject such an app.

    — answered August 27th 2010 by Todd Soligo
  • I'm also getting crashes reported on ipod touch when opening a window using the modal dissolve transition (modal: true, modalTransitionStyle: Ti.UI.iPhone.MODAL_TRANSITION_STYLE_CROSS_DISSOLVE, modalStyle: Ti.UI.iPhone.MODAL_PRESENTATION_FULLSCREEN) and then doing some animation to display a form. Haven't seen a log yet. Using Ti 1.4.0 with iPhone 4.0.1 SDK but the ipod touch is on 3.1.3. Will let you know if I figure anything out. I suspect it's also a memory issue.

    — answered August 30th 2010 by Rob Marscher
  • Does anyone have experience submitting an app that was crashing on the iPod? Will Apple reject an app for that reason?

    It seems like I hear about a lot of apps purchased from the app store frequently crashing on the iPod. So that would lead me to believe they would not reject such an app.

    — answered August 27th 2010 by Todd Soligo
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