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GET method with Twitter OAuth Authentication cannot perform correctly?

Hi there!

I'm trying to test a twitter's OAuth API with oauth.js and sha1.js.

Thanks to your past post, I can establish an OAuth authentication.
An my new tweet can be posted like this,

var accessor = {
    consumerSecret: myConsumerSecret, 
    tokenSecret: myAccessTokenSecret

var message = {
    method: "POST", 
    action: "https://api.twitter.com/1/statuses/update.json", 
    parameters: { 
        oauth_signature_method: "HMAC-SHA1", 
        oauth_consumer_key: myConsumerKey, 
        oauth_token: myAccessToken,

        status:"I'm tweeting!"      //--- post  a new tweet.

OAuth.SignatureMethod.sign(message, accessor);

var xhr = Ti.Network.createHTTPClient();
xhr.open("POST", message.action, false);
xhr.send( OAuth.getParameterMap(message.parameters) );

It perfectly works.
POST method API (new tweet etc.) like the above seems to work correctly.

However, it doesn't work at all when I similarly try the GET method (getting user's timeline etc.). I have changed it simply as follows,

var accessor = {
    consumerSecret: myConsumerSecret, 
    tokenSecret: myAccessTokenSecret

var message = {
    method: "GET", 
    action: "https://api.twitter.com/1/statuses/home_timeline.json", 
    parameters: { 
        oauth_signature_method: "HMAC-SHA1", 
        oauth_consumer_key: myConsumerKey, 
        oauth_token: myAccessToken,

        count: 200         //--- tweets count to get.

OAuth.SignatureMethod.sign(message, accessor);

var ACTION_URL = OAuth.addToURL(message.action, message.parameters);

var xhr = Ti.Network.createHTTPClient();
xhr.open("GET", ACTION_URL, false);

This http status code always returns "401" (means authentication error on server). it won't return "200". Is there a wrong part somewhere?

In Addition, when I put out "ACTION_URL" by Ti.API.debug, and copy it into Safari's address field, Safari shows correct JSON string with response status "200".

"ACTION_URL" has something like this,


Strange points are,

  • POST method performs perfectly, but GET with OAuth does not work.
  • Same GET URL works in Safari though it doesn't perform in Titanium.

How can I work it like the browser?

Any answers are appreciated!

— asked September 26th 2010 by Toru KOBAYASHI
  • authentication
  • get
  • httpclient
  • oauth
  • oauth.js
  • twitter
  • xhr

6 Answers

  • Ok I found it, just in case anyone have the same problem. Here's my solution. I basically just concat all the necessary parameters to the URL and then GET that url like this:

    var parameterMap = OAuth.getParameterMap(message.parameters);
            for (var p in parameterMap) {
                Ti.API.debug(p + ': ' + parameterMap[p]);
                pUrl += "&" + p + "=" + parameterMap[p];
    var client = Ti.Network.createHTTPClient();
            client.open("GET", pUrl, false);

    and call it like this


    I need to add true=1 so that I can start the param with &.

    Hope it helps :)

    — answered October 8th 2010 by Aria Rajasa
    • Got me on the right path! Thanks!

      — commented February 8th 2011 by Rob Cortez
    • Hello,

      I have been trying this for now 5 hours but cannot get it to working.. can you please answer the following:

      1. Did you write the new method "get" in oauth_adaptor.js?
      2. The processQueue function in oauth_adaptor.js calls the send method so did you create another method to process the queue using the 'get' method you might have created in step 1?

      I would highly apreciate if you can post the oauth_adaptor.js that you modified so that it can help everyone looking for this.

      Regards and thanks in advance.


      — commented February 16th 2011 by Shoeb Surya
    • Does anyone know where to find the GET function to add to oAuthAdaptor.js?

      — commented April 11th 2011 by Tjeu Vdw
    • I almost killed myself searching a solution for this… but I finally found it. Use https://github.com/mogya/tm_twitter_api as it has the GET method too and then call it like this http://paste.pocoo.org/show/369523/

      — commented April 11th 2011 by Shoeb Surya
  • maybe this can help you:

    Ti.include('oauth_adapter.js'); // i get the oauth_adapter from http://code.google.com/p/oauth-adapter/

    Sendet den Tweet zu Twitter
    var send_to_twitter = function(message){
    var oAuthAdapter = new OAuthAdapter(

            VRM_CONFIG['TWITTER_SECRETKEY'], //Secret Key
            VRM_CONFIG['TWITTER_CONSUMERKEY'], //Consumer Key
    // load the access token for the service (if previously saved)
    //oAuthAdapter.send('http://twitter.com/statuses/update.json', { status: 'status_text', source: "twoot" }, 'Twitter', 'Published.', 'Not published.');
    oAuthAdapter.send('https://api.twitter.com/1/statuses/update.json', [['status', message]], 'Twitter Message', 'Gesendet.', 'Nicht gesendet.');
    // if the client is not authorized, ask for authorization. the previous tweet will be sent automatically after authorization
    if (oAuthAdapter.isAuthorized() == false)
        // this function will be called as soon as the application is authorized
        var receivePin = function() {
            // get the access token with the provided pin/oauth_verifier
            // save the access token
        // show the authorization UI and call back the receive PIN function
        oAuthAdapter.showAuthorizeUI('http://twitter.com/oauth/authorize?' +
            oAuthAdapter.getRequestToken('http://twitter.com/oauth/request_token', [['oauth_callback', 'oob']]),



    — answered September 26th 2010 by Carl Jahn
    1 Comment
    • Hello,

      Can you please explain whats in there that snippet that is related to the question? I am also looking for how to get the GET requests working and i checked the console but i am still getting 401 error..

      — commented February 16th 2011 by Shoeb Surya
  • Thank you for the reply.

    Of course, I know oauth_adapter.js. That's a great job . I have read oauth_adapter.js, and understood how it works.

    However, I think that oauth_adapter.js is written for POST-method Twitter API. Therefore, only the limited API can be called (status/update or status/destroy etc..).

    But, APIs that I want to call is used with GET-method (for instance, statuses/home_timeline, statuses/friends_timeline, and statuses/user_timeline etc..).

    Or, can I do with oauth_adapter.js?
    Please tell me a detailed method if so.


    — answered September 26th 2010 by Toru KOBAYASHI
  • Hi I was wondering the same thing, couldn't get the method GET home_timeline to work. Can anybody help? I'm using oauth_adapter as well. POST works great, GET does not :(

    — answered October 8th 2010 by Aria Rajasa
  • I am having the exact same problem. I have narrowed it down.

    The reason why it returns a 401 in Titanium is because it seems to be sending the request twice.

    For the app I am building we have set up our own oAuth server and the debug output shows oAuth denies the request due to a duplicate replay attack. Meaning the same URL has been sent twice so it gets denied.

    I cannot work out why this happens or how to fix it. It's basically holding up my app progress all because of this one issue.

    If anyone has any suggestions I welcome them.


    — answered October 25th 2010 by Matthew Brennan
  • Hope this helps everyone!

    I almost killed myself searching a solution for this… but I finally found it. Use https://github.com/mogya/tm_twitter_api as it has the GET method too and then call it like this http://paste.pocoo.org/show/369523/

    — answered April 11th 2011 by Shoeb Surya
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