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Dynamically Assign Listener to Button

I am working on my first project using Appcelerator: Soundboard.

I am using a while loop to create multiple buttons and assign event listeners to play sounds when button is clicked. Code below.

var buttons = new Array();
var sounds = new Array();
var snd = new Array();

sounds[0] = '../sounds/mrt/asus.wav';
sounds[1] = '../sounds/mrt/asus.wav';
sounds[2] = '../sounds/mrt/audio3.wav';
sounds[3] = '../sounds/mrt/audio5.wav';
sounds[4] = '../sounds/mrt/camera.wav';
sounds[5] = '../sounds/mrt/asus.wav';
sounds[6] = '../sounds/mrt/asus.wav';

var itemCount = sounds.length;
var i = 0;
var pos = 1;
while(i<(itemCount/2)) {
    var position = pos * 50;
    var btn_title = 'Button ' + i;
    buttons[i] = Ti.UI.createButton({ title: btn_title, opacity: btn_opacity, backgroundColor:btn_bgcolor, color:btn_textcolor, borderColor:btn_bordercolor, borderWidth:btn_borderwidth, height: btn_height, width:btn_width, borderRadius: btn_borderRadius, top: position, left:25 });

        snd[i] = Ti.Media.createSound({ url: sounds[i] }).play();                                //Issue here with assigning sounds
        Ti.API.info("Playing Sound: " + i + sounds[i] + ", snd " + i + " - " + snd[i]);         //Information

All the buttons are created just fine but all buttons are assigned with sound[5] only unless I manually enter the absolute file name of the .wav.

Trace Output below on multiple button presses:

[INFO] [134,18496] Playing Sound: 5../sounds/mrt/asus.wav, snd 5 - ti.modules.titanium.media.SoundProxy@44fa54b0
[TRACE] E/TiUIView( 263): (main) [6154,24650] TAP, TAP, TAP
[TRACE] D/AudioSink( 34): bufferCount (4) is too small and increased to 12
[INFO] [135,24785] Playing Sound: 5../sounds/mrt/asus.wav, snd 5 - ti.modules.titanium.media.SoundProxy@44f378a0
[TRACE] E/TiUIView( 263): (main) [16809,41594] TAP, TAP, TAP
[TRACE] D/AudioSink( 34): bufferCount (4) is too small and increased to 12
[INFO] [178,41772] Playing Sound: 5../sounds/mrt/asus.wav, snd 5 - ti.modules.titanium.media.SoundProxy@44f8ac78
[TRACE] E/TiUIView( 263): (main) [2802,44574] TAP, TAP, TAP
[TRACE] D/AudioSink( 34): bufferCount (4) is too small and increased to 12
[INFO] [136,44710] Playing Sound: 5../sounds/mrt/asus.wav, snd 5 - ti.modules.titanium.media.SoundProxy@44fad868
— asked November 29th 2010 by Crzy Sheeit
  • button
  • dynamic
  • sound

2 Answers

  • Accepted Answer

    Here is what you do:

    buttons[i] = Ti.UI.createButton({
        //Add this

    This can be fetched again later

        var i = e.source.my_id;
        snd[i] = Ti.Media.createSound({ url: sounds[i] }).play();
        Ti.API.info("Playing Sound: " + i + sounds[i] + ", snd " + i + " - " + snd[i]);


        var i = e.source.my_id;
        playSound(i); //And create a function that handles this.
    — answered November 29th 2010 by Thomas Bensmann
  • I dont think you can chain the functions the way you have… try this

    snd[i] = Ti.Media.createSound({ url: sounds[i] });
    — answered November 29th 2010 by Aaron Saunders
    • No go buddy. Same result - sound[5] assigned to all buttons.

      — commented November 29th 2010 by Crzy Sheeit
    • Question is, why does it jump straight to sounds[5]??

      — commented November 29th 2010 by Crzy Sheeit
    • BTW, sounds play on button press…its just that they all play sound[5] if I wasn't clear in my original post. Thanks.

      — commented November 29th 2010 by Crzy Sheeit
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