Titanium Community Questions & Answer Archive

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Sporadic Blank Screen - Test & Package Mode

I am experiencing a sometimes blank screen when building and testing my package through the emulator. Is this due to some coding error or is it the product? I will not change a thing and click the Launch button through the emulator and presto the application runs fine. Then I will close the emulator and then click the Launch button again. The second time around the app displays the navigation toolbar but I get a blank white screen where the tableview is supposed to appear. I'm a complete newbie but wanted to see if anyone else experienced this specific scenario. I am using createTableViewSection and createTableView in my code.

I'm running the iPhone emulator SDK 4.0 with Ti SDK 1.4.2

The simulator mode is iPhone mode when this is happening. I switched it to iPhone 4.0 mode and it works everytime (until further notice) with the following configuration:
iPhone 4 emulator with Ti SDK

— asked December 6th 2010 by Tracy Hayman
  • createtableview
  • createtableviewsection

1 Answer

  • The simulator mode is iPhone mode when this is happening. I switched it to iPhone 4.0 mode and it works 'almost' everytime with the following configuration: iPhone 4 emulator with Ti SDK

    — answered December 7th 2010 by Tracy Hayman
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