Titanium Community Questions & Answer Archive

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Android emulater won't launch; adb.exe doesn't start


I am using Windows 7 64 bits. I have the latest android with everything installed. Titanium SDK is 1.4.

Can someone with the same machine successfully running their titanium projects on Android enumerator share the following:

-Environment Variable? Java_Home? Path? Android_Home?

-Locations of all SDKs

-Titanium configuration?

After I write a fresh new mobile app (android), I go to Test & Package, click Launch, but nothing at all happens! All I get for INFO is:

[INFO] Launching Android emulator...one moment
[INFO] Building t1 for Android ... one moment

And for TRACE:

[TRACE] Traceback (most recent call last):
[TRACE] File "C:\ProgramData\Titanium\mobilesdk\win32\1.4.0\android\builder.py", line 995, in <module>
[TRACE] s.build_and_run(False,avd_id)
[TRACE] File "C:\ProgramData\Titanium\mobilesdk\win32\1.4.0\android\builder.py", line 764, in build_and_run
[TRACE] run.run([self.sdk.get_adb(), "start-server"], True, ignore_output=True)
[TRACE] File "C:\ProgramData\Titanium\mobilesdk\win32\1.4.0\android\run.py", line 16, in run
[TRACE] print "[DEBUG] %s"%(" ".join(args))
[TRACE] TypeError: sequence item 0: expected string, NoneType found
[INFO] Launching Android emulator...one moment
[DEBUG] From: D:\android-sdk-windows\tools\emulator.exe
[DEBUG] SDCard: C:\Users\mmsakhan\.titanium\android2.sdcard
[DEBUG] SDK: D:\android-sdk-windows
[TRACE] Traceback (most recent call last):
[TRACE] File "C:\ProgramData\Titanium\mobilesdk\win32\1.4.0\android\builder.py", line 991, in <module>
[TRACE] s.run_emulator(avd_id,avd_skin)
[TRACE] File "C:\ProgramData\Titanium\mobilesdk\win32\1.4.0\android\builder.py", line 244, in run_emulator
[TRACE] run.run([self.sdk.get_adb(), "start-server"], True, ignore_output=True)
[TRACE] File "C:\ProgramData\Titanium\mobilesdk\win32\1.4.0\android\run.py", line 16, in run
[TRACE] print "[DEBUG] %s"%(" ".join(args))
[TRACE] TypeError: sequence item 0: expected string, NoneType found
[INFO] Building t1 for Android ... one moment
[TRACE] Traceback (most recent call last):
[TRACE] File "C:\ProgramData\Titanium\mobilesdk\win32\1.4.0\android\builder.py", line 995, in <module>
[TRACE] s.build_and_run(False,avd_id)
[TRACE] File "C:\ProgramData\Titanium\mobilesdk\win32\1.4.0\android\builder.py", line 764, in build_and_run
[TRACE] run.run([self.sdk.get_adb(), "start-server"], True, ignore_output=True)
[TRACE] File "C:\ProgramData\Titanium\mobilesdk\win32\1.4.0\android\run.py", line 16, in run
[TRACE] print "[DEBUG] %s"%(" ".join(args))
[TRACE] TypeError: sequence item 0: expected string, NoneType found

Even adb.exe doesn't run. Nothing happens. But if I run an Android app from Eclipse, it runs without problems. I can even run the SDK Manager. So Android installation seems to be OK.

I feel something must be wrong with my environment variables, or maybe, with some temporary Android or Titanium files/locations.

This is really embarrassing. I chose Titanium over other cross-platform SDKs and recommended its purchase, but here I am, struggling to even run "Hello World" on the Android enumerator. I spent last 24 hours trying to run Hello World.

Any help? At least share your environment details if you have you have a similar configuration as mine and if it works well with you.



— asked December 7th 2010 by Sting Khan

3 Answers

  • Accepted Answer

    I hate to post this in multiple places but there are many threads for the same issue.

    In your android-sdk root there are "platform-tools" and "tools" directories. By default, the adb executable is located in "platform-tools" but Titanium seems to be looking for it in "tools" (where it used to be?) So all you have to do is copy/paste the adb executable to "tools" and then the simulator loads right up.

    — answered December 7th 2010 by Justin Toth
  • Did you install the Android 2.3 SDK? I installed the Android 2.3 SDK on OS X, and now Titanium won't launch an app when I click the "Launch" button and this was previously working. Methinks Google changed the tooling and broke Titanium. Trace output says something about "No such file or directory".

    If you haven't yet installed the 2.3 SDK I recommend you don't!!

    — answered December 7th 2010 by Ryan Asleson
  • Justin's solution above will fix the issue with the emulator not launching.

    — answered December 7th 2010 by Michael Szul
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