Titanium Community Questions & Answer Archive

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Twitter and Facebook clients

I have created a little app and now I want to add Facebook and Twitter functionality. I would like to login and Get and Receive post. I have checked out the KS examples but they are not the helpful.

Has anyone created their own Twitter and Facebook clients? Is there any code examples out there for these clients or would anyone just like to share?

— asked December 7th 2010 by David Q
  • twitter facebook mobile

1 Answer

  • Facebook Client: Built-In

    Titanium has a GREAT built-in client for Facebook. Check out the docs here.

    Twitter Client: BirdHouse

    I couldn't get any scripts to work, so I wrote my own. Here's some info:

    Cross-Platform Support & Up-to-Date: BirdHouse has been tested on Android with Linux and Mac as well as on iPhone, both using the latest Titanium Mobile SDK (1.6.2). It has been tested by others and is being maintained to fix any issues.

    Go here for the code and go here for the test app.

    About: The script can send tweets, retrieve tweets, authenticate, "deauthenticate", and send custom API calls to Twitter. For sending tweets, a custom UI popup appears. It is designed to work similar to Titanium's Facebook module.

    David Riccitelli's oauth-adapter doesn't work on Android, but some have forked it to work, such as Ketan Majmudar (go here for his code), I have tried other OAuth scripts as well, but I have been more successful with BirdHouse.

    — answered April 19th 2011 by Joe iEntry
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