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2dmatrix basic rotate

I am trying to create what I believe is a fairly simple interface, and am having some troubles with the sliders. I would like to rotate one of them to be vertical. I believe the way to do this is with 2dtransform, but when I use the below code, nothing happens.

Not sure what the issue is with it, any ideas on where I am exactly going wrong? I also couldn't find a 2dmatrix example in the kitchensink, is there one there?

// Create sliders
var verticalSlider = Titanium.UI.createSlider({max:100, min:-100, height:100, top:0});
var horizontalSlider = Titanium.UI.createSlider({max:100, min:-100, width:100, top:100});

// setup rotate transform matrix
var t3 = Ti.UI.create2DMatrix();
t3 = t3.rotate(-180);

// Rotate the vertical scrollbar

// Insert sliders


Note: the sliders are appearing, just not rotating

— asked March 29th 2010 by Dan Duke
  • 2dmatrix
  • basic
  • beginner
  • mobile
  • rotate
  • slider
  • win32

11 Answers

  • var verticalSlider = Titanium.UI.createSlider({max:100, min:-100, height:100, top:0});
    verticalSlider.transform = Ti.UI.create2DMatrix().rotate(-90);

    Add that, and you should be done… skip the var t3= etc… stuff - it's not needed for a simple transform like this.

    It'll show up vertical when you add it - no animation/etc..

    — answered January 28th 2011 by Van Le
    • just what i needed, thanks!

      — commented August 18th 2011 by Jim Carter III
    • Likewise! Thanks man

      — commented September 8th 2011 by James Wise
    • but what if it has border, in android the content is clipped by the border

      — commented June 13th 2013 by archileus tee
  • See this thread - assign the transform to the transform property:

    var slider = Ti.UI.createSlider({ ... });
    slider.transform = Ti.UI.create2DMatrix().rotate(90);

    You'll need to experiment with the positioning of the slider once it's been rotated.

    — answered March 29th 2010 by James K
  • Have you tried to first add the slide and then transforming it?

    — answered March 29th 2010 by Florian Plank
  • Thankyou for your suggestions, sadly no luck. I found the kitchen sink js file, and amended it to my needs (as below), but still it just shows them horizontally.

    // Create sliders
    var verticalSlider = Titanium.UI.createSlider({max:100, min:-100, height:100, top:0});
    var horizontalSlider = Titanium.UI.createSlider({max:100, min:-100, width:100, top:100});
    // setup rotate transform matrix
    var t3 = Ti.UI.create2DMatrix();
    t3 = t3.rotate(-180);
    // Insert sliders
    // Rotate the vertical scrollbar
    var a2 = Titanium.UI.createAnimation();
    a2.transform = t3;
    a2.duration = 1;
    — answered March 29th 2010 by Dan Duke
  • Thankyou James, but sadly that didn't help. I am testing this using android APIs 2.1 at present. I switched between loading the window before and after the transform but still no luck with it.

    The code I used after your comment was:

    // Create sliders
    var verticalSlider = Titanium.UI.createSlider({max:100, min:-100, height:100, top:0});
    //var horizontalSlider = Titanium.UI.createSlider({max:100, min:-100, width:100, top:100});
    // setup rotate transform matrix
    verticalSlider.transform = Ti.UI.create2DMatrix().rotate(90);
    // Insert sliders
    — answered March 30th 2010 by Dan Duke
  • Just saw you where testing on android,

    Animations, 2D or 3D aint supported on android, or they just aint working. At least in none of my projects android animatiosn work… took ma hours to discover why my app worked fine on an iPhone but didnt on an android device.

    — answered March 31st 2010 by Glenn Tillemans
  • Thanks for that info. Glenn, worth knowing for the future aswell. Shame that doesn't work in Android, could prove a big issue for me in future. But for now, I am not too worried about the animation part, just wanted it rotated, the user doesn't need to see this.

    Is this still possible, or shall I just forget about it on Android?

    — answered March 31st 2010 by Dan Duke
    1 Comment
    • Hi Dan,
      did u find any way to create a vertical slider? :( Thanx!

      — commented December 7th 2012 by devashree s
  • I've been struggling with this major issue for the past 9 months, and now my app is all finished, ready to be released on market, once this silly bug is fixed. I have only tested on Android, not iPhone, and didn't realize that it's specifically a problem with Android, which is my target platform. Please please please, one of you awesome developers out there, help fix this 2DMatrix transform problem. Don't even need it in an animation, would just like to implicitly apply the rotate on an ImageView to create a spin or starting point. I wish we can just do an imageView.transform = MatrixTransform; directly instead of through an Animation. It's been addressed in many forum threads, one I can point to is http://developer.appcelerator.com/question/10181/multiple-rotates-of-view-with-animation-part-2
    and I created a related ticket at https://appcelerator.lighthouseapp.com/projects/32238/tickets/1457-rotate-transform-animate-flickers-to-rotate-0-with-each-turn ..
    Seems to be no current workarounds yet as of yet. Please, help us overcome this seemingly simple limitation for the next beta release…. It's been a giant pain in the patudy, and I'd hate to abandon my Titanium app and rebuild it in Java, C++ or Flash AIR because of this to make my deadline. Thanks.

    — answered October 14th 2010 by Alan Bedian
  • hrrmm. I'm using Droid 2.2 with same issues. From searching around it looks like this is an issue for a few developers. I can create a view (I tried normal view and also image view), and animate with transform. However the following issues make it hurt my brain:

    1. If I animate again, I start from the original transform or non-transformed instead of the last position/value for a very awkward animation sequence.
    2. If I apply the transform to the view directly, no visible change occurs (I'm hoping to apply transforms to views directly without the animation personally.)

    Thanks for continuing to look into this. :)

    — answered October 20th 2010 by Christopher Stevens
  • Did anyone come to a solution in this problem? Tell us about it in that case! I'm in the same situation.. Would like a slider to operate in vertical mode…

    — answered November 26th 2010 by Jonas Svanström
  • You can find the 2DMatrix example under the 2d_transform.js file in kitchensink.

    As far as i know, every transform/animation is timebased, so i think you need to add an animation with a duration of 1.

    Atleast thats how i did all my rotating stuff.

    — answered March 29th 2010 by Glenn Tillemans
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