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Multiple rotates of view with animation Part 2

Sorry, I have to reopen https://developer.appcelerator.com/question/9631/multiple-rotates-of-view-with-animation (how do I post links properly?). It still does not work.

I am trying to rotate an ImageView twice: first 90 degrees and second another 90 degrees starting the animation from where the first one ended. I do this with a function fired by click event.

That's how I try it:

var angle = 90;
var a = Titanium.UI.createAnimation();
var t = Ti.UI.create2DMatrix();
a.duration = 1000;

function onClick(e)
    t = t.rotate(angle);
    a.transform = t;
    angle+=90; //This shouldn't be here!

img1 is the ImageView instance.
At every click it rotates the ImageView by 90 degrees more than previous time. BUT: Before each animation it "resets" the Image's rotation to 0 degrees and starts from there.

How can it be done the way I want it to?

Another issue: The matrix!
After creating the matrix, variable t should be an identity matrix.
After first execution of

t = t.rotate(90);

t should be a matrix rotating by 90 degrees.
After second execution of

t = t.rotate(90);

t should be a matrix rotating by 180 degrees. But it isn't! I need to increase the angle variable each time. If i don't, the Image won't rotate further than 90 degrees.

Is this and the fact that the animation always starts from 0 degree a bug? Or am I just not getting it?

Thanks in advance for your answers!
I'm desperate!

— asked March 31st 2010 by Robert Mai
  • animation
  • matrix
  • mobile
  • rotate
  • transform

12 Answers

  • Maybe I should add: I'm trying all this with Android 2.1 SDK

    — answered April 1st 2010 by Robert Mai
  • I'm having the same problem, and it's a serious one that we have to get working or we have no app, for the spinning is the basis of my program. Each time it does a rotation transform, it flickers to 0 first then moves. I put my source up (twice by accident) in this post: [http://developer.appcelerator.com/question/32961/continuous-rotation]
    Here is the basics:

    var t = Titanium.UI.create2DMatrix();
    var a = Titanium.UI.createAnimation();
    function spinIt() {
        currentRotation += spinRotation;
        if(currentRotation > 360) currentRotation -= 360;
        t = t.rotate(currentRotation);
        a.transform = t;
        if(spinning) {
            setTimeout(spinIt, spinSpeed);

    There really should be a simple way to do a 2DMatrix transform without doing an animate. I hope this is addressed in the soon to be released 1.4 update, but in the meantime, can anyone suggest a workaround? I'm also getting desperate for a solution..

    — answered July 21st 2010 by Alan Bedian
    1 Comment
    • Got the 1.4 update, and still have the same simple problem. I also tried the 1.4.1 daily with my fingers crossed, and still no joy. With other 200 fixes, I was really excited about having a working app, and this is the main bug that's keeping me from a well spinning build. Help?

      — commented August 2nd 2010 by Alan Bedian
  • I submitted a ticket (#1457) on this problem, found at https://appcelerator.lighthouseapp.com/projects/32238/tickets/1457-rotate-transform-animate-flickers-to-rotate-0-with-each-turn

    I have everything working on my Sacred G App except this bug, and it's the most important part of it. I wish there is a simple way to apply a 2DMatrix transform without calling animate.. We will be soo happy when this functions right and I can release my meditation tool to the market, and I totally appreciate the Titanium community for doing what they do.

    — answered August 31st 2010 by Alan Bedian
  • this any good?

    var t = Ti.UI.create2DMatrix();
    button.addEventListener('dblclick', function()
        t = t.rotate(90);
        var a = Titanium.UI.createAnimation();
        a.transform = t;
    — answered August 31st 2010 by Robert Greenock
  • Thanks Robert. I moved the createAnimation to the inside of the function, and it seemed slightly better since it wasn't flickering back to 0, but it was flickering to different rotation points. It's kind of weird, but it's jerky still.
    I also found when the spinSpeed is < 60 or so, it stops totally, and < 40 it crashes the app.. Already looks slow compared to my ActionScript version, but my fingers are crossed. It seems that calling the animate function to apply a transform bloats the call. Maybe I could help dig into the Titanium source codes and hunt for the fix, like a way to do this:

    t = t.rotate(currentRotation);
    //a.transform = t;

    So adding a transform prototype to the basic UI display objects to instantly apply a 2DMatrix. Makes sense. The other option is optimizing the animate function when the duration = 0.. Any thoughts guys?

    — answered September 2nd 2010 by Alan Bedian
  • Alan

    I think you can in fact apply an instant transform directly:

    t = t.rotate(currentRotation);
    Spinner.transform = t;

    There are examples of this in KitchenSink and the API shows the transform property as being common to most views and controls.

    Rotation transforms have sometimes produced unpredictable results for me though.


    — answered September 2nd 2010 by James K
  • Yeah, calling Spinner.transform = t; was one of the first logical variations I attempted, but it doesn't draw any update at all. I went through all the KitchenSink examples and the only places .transform = is used is on an animation object. Even though it gives no errors doing that on an ImageView, it doesn't apply proper. Does anyone know how to update the stage when directly assigning a 2DMatrix transform to a view object? That'd be a great solution, but not an obvious one from the examples..
    Seems like there's a temporary workaround somewhere, but I think the only way to have this feature is in the source. It's just hard to hold on when my app is so close to going to market.. I'll just fine tune some new features in the meantime.

    — answered September 4th 2010 by Alan Bedian
  • I'm having the same problem. I think there is a bug for Android. using the same code multiple rotate works for iphone.

    I think the bug has something to do with "autoreverse" No matter what you set it at Android thinks it is true. Even if you set autoreverse to false in the example below the iphone thinks it is true so it is better to just leave it out.

    var a = Titanium.UI.createAnimation();
    a.autoreverse = false;

    — answered December 27th 2010 by Bob Lee
  • Just a quick point that might stop some frustration.

    The API docs are wrong, in that autoreverse, should be autoReverse (capital R).

    — answered January 6th 2011 by Ian Young
  • I've been having the same issue. Stumbled on an example that worked here

    — answered April 4th 2011 by Tiger Huang
  • Simple! just animate an object inside another one.

    Each with a 180 degrees… worked for me :)

    — answered August 24th 2011 by Marcelo Novaes
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