Titanium Community Questions & Answer Archive

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Ti creating tmp SharedPrecompiledHeaders

As I'm running a bit low on HD sapce these days I tend to keep an eye on what I have left…

Found that Titanium had been generating quite a number of directories… none big on their own (13MB or so), but since moving to 1.0 I seem to have generated around 350 or them.

I moved them out of the folder to ensure I could still build without them, and then deleted them.

Found them in


— asked March 12th 2010 by Nick Lloyd
  • build

2 Answers

  • Yeah, XCode attempt to precompile a bunch of stuff to speed up compiles to he doesn't need to rebuild headers each time you run. They're harmless usually to delete but do mean a slower compile.

    — answered March 12th 2010 by Jeff Haynie
  • But should it be creating a unique one each time there is a code change or have I set something up incorrectly?

    — answered March 12th 2010 by Nick Lloyd
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