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Titanium Studio error launch "failed to create java virtual machine"

Hi all

I just install the last Titanium Studio and
when startup open a box saying
failed to create java virtual machine

im using win 7

i run eclipse and others without any problem with java

path etc… are ok

Can anyone point to a possible solution ?

— asked May 27th 2011 by Jorge Oliveira
  • studio
  • titanium
1 Comment
  • yaa It worked for me.
    Thank you so much for providing solution for this problem.


    — commented January 3rd 2014 by Venkata Sunil Krishna Kanth Oruganti

15 Answers

  • Accepted Answer

    in your installation folder, remove
    from titaniumstudio.ini and start again, works for me.


    — answered June 7th 2011 by Ron Gonzalez Lobo
    • Yes … worked !!!!


      Now lets try it

      Best regards

      — commented June 7th 2011 by Jorge Oliveira
    • Worked for me also! Thanks!

      — commented June 7th 2011 by MSO of Puerto Rico Inc
    • Didn't work for me. I deleted launcher.XXMaxPermSize 256m from titaniumstudio.ini file but i still get the same pop up error message : failed to create java virtual machine.

      Can anyone please help me out?

      — commented June 22nd 2011 by Sumit Mukhia
    • Worked for me Thanks a ton :)

      — commented August 2nd 2011 by Virendra Tatode
    • It simply works. Thank you.

      — commented September 8th 2011 by Lijoy Joseph
    • this didn't work, but check this post out.. I did this and it worked fine.


      — commented November 21st 2011 by Jamil Hassan Spain
    • I changed the size to 128 as mentioned here and it worked …. Cheers

      — commented December 2nd 2011 by Héctor Salazar
    • it works

      — commented December 22nd 2011 by mac perez
    • Thanks =)

      — commented March 28th 2012 by Denis Sanson
    • 128 worked. windows 7.

      — commented April 22nd 2012 by Keith Zettler
    • Thank you :)

      — commented July 20th 2012 by David Pozo
    • didn't work . . . . have the same problem

      — commented September 20th 2012 by Jassiel Farias
    • Yes… Its worked!!!!


      — commented October 17th 2012 by prasad bv
    • Yes it's working


      — commented October 29th 2012 by prasad bv
    • Thanks !! Worked for me

      — commented April 20th 2013 by Urvish Jani
    • Worked ;)

      — commented June 6th 2013 by Andreas Loock
    • this worked! many thanks! But will this cause issues down the road?

      — commented July 3rd 2013 by hector torres
    • Worked for me also…. ;)

      — commented September 15th 2013 by Farhan Wazir
    • yep …its working now

      — commented September 23rd 2013 by mani kandan
    • Worked for me too. Thank you!

      — commented October 2nd 2013 by Jutta Steckeweh
    • worked for me too

      — commented October 4th 2013 by Alberto RF
    • Perfect!!!

      — commented October 13th 2013 by Pedro Tirado
    • I have same prob…i have installed it for win32…wat to do…help..!!

      — commented October 18th 2013 by kinjal shah
    • Worked for me too.. Great.. Thanks..

      — commented October 25th 2013 by Priyanka Patel
    • Thank You. its works…!!

      — commented August 19th 2014 by Suhas Bachewar
    • work like charm. thanks for providing this answer

      — commented February 18th 2015 by Bhakti Raut
  • It is better to modify the launcher.XXMaxPermSize to 128m. Because eliminating this may give an error message with the size of the PermGen

    — answered September 19th 2011 by Alejandro Andrade
    • thnks its really work

      — commented February 29th 2012 by vijay pratap
    • thanks..its worked for me..

      — commented July 11th 2012 by shyam yammanuru
    • This worked for me

      — commented August 29th 2012 by Jason Steensma
    • Worked like a treat. Thank you.

      — commented November 16th 2012 by Paul Leonard
    • tnx, worked

      — commented June 19th 2013 by Jani Cerar
  • Above solution didn't worked for me so I deleted ini file and it started fine.

    — answered November 16th 2011 by Raminder Singh
    • Sorry I forgot to mention that I copied eclipse.ini as titanium.ini also

      — commented November 16th 2011 by Raminder Singh
    • This one worked for me, too. Thx.

      — commented December 19th 2011 by Tamas Rakoczi
    • I mean deleting the ini file. :)

      — commented December 19th 2011 by Tamas Rakoczi
    • That was a quick fix :) worked

      — commented June 29th 2013 by Kausar Ayub
    • good solution for me, too

      — commented August 27th 2013 by Milan Kanči
  • after trail and error, it is found that if you try to lower the -Xmx to 768m from 1024m, the studio can run with the 256m MaxPermSize.

    when doing the debug, the MaxPermSize seems quite important, which can make the console dont crash a lot due to not enough PermSize.

    — answered August 9th 2012 by Russell Kwok
    • I've tried every solution on this page. This is the only one that has worked so far. The other solutions would get Ti open, but it would soon crash.

      — commented August 25th 2012 by Justin Wehrman
    • worked for me too, thanks. I had Xmx2048m, changed it to Xmx1024 and maxPermSize to 512m

      — commented January 21st 2015 by Nitin Surana
  • yes yes i I deleted ini file and it started fine thanks all

    — answered December 21st 2011 by hasan hamdar
  • Same thing. This TitaniumStudio.ini is helpful for me:

    — answered September 1st 2012 by Sergey Rebik
  • HI,
    i had the same probleme ,I replaced the content of "titaniumstudio.ini" with that of "AptanaStudio3.ini" (i had the aptana 3 previously installed),and that workrd for me.

    — answered July 22nd 2011 by abos mostafa
  • What worked for me, on my Windows 7.0 PC, was to put the path to the Java runtime environment in my PATH system variable. I also fixed the CLASSPATH value since it was pointing to an older, uninstalled version of the JDK.

    Hope this helps someone.

    — answered October 20th 2011 by Oscar Soto
  • I just noticed that I had NeoOffice running while trying to launch Titanium Studio. I also tried to update Java by running Software update and there was an update to Java for Mac OS X which I installed. I also closed NeoOffice which I think is large Java based application.

    One of these things solved my problem for sure.
    Guys please post if you have had a similar experience.

    — answered June 13th 2012 by neeks s
  • just remove the entire line –launcher.XXMaxPermSize 256m from titaniumstudio.ini file and restart the application

    — answered July 8th 2012 by bobby owen
  • changing 256 to 128m worked for me thanks

    — answered September 9th 2013 by josia lebrun
    1 Comment
    • Worked for me also on Win 7

      — commented September 16th 2013 by Aaron Patty
  • just remove
    –launcher.XXMaxPermSize 128m
    this line it will work fine…..i got it this way only

    — answered September 23rd 2013 by mani kandan
  • I deleted the ini file, started and installed all updates and other stuff, then put the ini file back, and it works fine.

    — answered October 21st 2013 by Andy Williams
  • Yes it's working


    — answered October 29th 2012 by prasad bv
  • Ran into this problem too.. Here is the solution that worked..


    — answered November 21st 2011 by Jamil Hassan Spain
    1 Comment
    • thanks
      –launcher.XXMaxPermSize 256m
      changed to
      –launcher.XXMaxPermSize 128m
      worked for me too

      — commented February 3rd 2014 by Sumita Narang
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