Titanium Community Questions & Answer Archive

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REST Connection


I want to fill my Table with data of a RESTful webservice.

e.g. i got www.example.com/category/games as URL and it shows me my data.

Is there a way to put them into the table?

I'm very new to such topics but need to know hot thats possible.


— asked April 6th 2010 by Michael Gajda
  • android
  • iphone
  • mobile
  • rest
  • web

3 Answers

  • Hi Michael, that's a fairly big topic, but try this for example:

    //First, you'll want to check the user can access the web:
    if (Titanium.Network.online ==true)
    //Then you'll need to create an object for your request and open it with the type of call and URL:
            var request = Titanium.Network.createHTTPClient();
    //And then you send it with:
    //Next specify a function to run when the response comes back (using a .onload event):
            request.onload = function requestReceived()
    // now the response status will tell you if it's worked (or the response is actually an error
    var statusCode = request.status;
                if (statusCode == 200)
    // 200 means it's OK, so as I'm getting XML data I extract the response using .responseXML
                {    var response = request.responseXML;
    // you now have an object containing your data, so will need to parse it into an array, to go into the tableView
                    tableviewArray = [];
                    var itemList = response.documentElement.getElementsByTagName('item');
                    for (var c=0;c < itemList.length;c++)
                    {    var foo = "";
                        var foo = itemList.item(c).getElementsByTagName("element").item(0).text; 
    //finally, create the tableview using the array just populated and add it to the current window:
                    var myTableview = Titanium.UI.createTableView({data:tableviewArray});

    And if all that works… I think you owe me a beer!

    — answered April 6th 2010 by Chris Reed
  • Hi Chris,

    this is an really good example, but i think i got an error in my implementation.

    For example, the XML i get from www.example.com/category/games

    looks like this:


    I set in your snippet "item" and "element" as "games" and "game".

    // you now have an object containing your data, so will need to parse it into an array, to go into the tableView
                    tableviewArray = [];
                    var itemList = response.documentElement.getElementsByTagName('game');
                    for (var c=0;c < itemList.length;c++)
                    {   var foo = "";
                        var foo = itemList.item(c).getElementsByTagName("games").item(0).text; 

    I get till now only a blank table.

    You'll get your beer, thats for sure ;)

    But it would be nice if you (or anyone else) have some hints for this.


    — answered April 8th 2010 by Michael Gajda
  • I have not tried the other methods (though I think I will)

    But they use an HttpClient as Opposed to Backbone (js)

    see here.. https://github.com/viezel/napp.alloy.adapter.restapi

    Its really nice because it handles all table operations for you (if there is an update to the data set you dont have to update anything else)

    I have got it working but having trouble customizing it. But regardless, its another option

    — answered March 7th 2015 by Owen Gerig
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