Titanium Community Questions & Answer Archive

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1.8.x Submission Error. Missing required architecture armv6


I'm trying to submit a Universal App to Apple using the CI build 1.8.0 (10/15/11 09:24 03b8453), yes I know its not supported but am forced to use as it has fixed so many show stoppers with 1.7.x

The problem is that when I validate the app prior to submission it tells me;

Validate App

The issues with the missing icons can be fixed by removing them from the template info.plist file before building, but I cant figure out how to setup the correct build setting so that armv6 and armv7 are included in the project build. I've tried this suggestion http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7053466/application-executable-is-missing-a-required-architecture-armv6 but the changes I make in the template build project file get overwritten when I perform a release build. Anyone got any experience of this issue or can help ?

Thanks in advance

— asked October 16th 2011 by Nick Milner
  • packaging
  • xcode
  • Sorry, cant seem to upload image. The error states

    iPhone/iPod Touch: application executable is missing a required architecture. At least one of the following architecture(s) must be present: armv6

    — commented October 16th 2011 by Nick Milner
  • Hmm, if it modify builder.py to change the constant IPHONEOS_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET=4.3 instead of IPHONEOS_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET=3.1 it validates ok. Anyone know what devices that now excludes from running the App ?


    — commented October 16th 2011 by Nick Milner

2 Answers

  • Just to answer my own question, If I set


    in a custom info.plist then I dont get validation errors and I dont have to mess with builder.py. It just means I can only target 3GS+ devices which works for me.

    — answered October 16th 2011 by Nick Milner
  • you placed the info.plist in the root folder? and named it info.plist correct? thanks

    — answered April 6th 2012 by sean oreilly
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