Titanium Community Questions & Answer Archive

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Pulling Hair Out.... over TableView's

I'm new to JavaScript and I can't get the tableview's to work properly. I can get the first tableview to show but I want to be able to click on a row and have a second tableview slide in.

I've tried to copy the kitchen sink example but their table views are in tabs and I'm not using tabs so I changed currentTab to currentWindow put nothing happens when I click on a row.

Does anybody have the code I looking for?

I'm almost bald…. :-)

— asked April 8th 2010 by Daryl Camfield
  • tableview

3 Answers

  • Accepted Answer

    basically you are adding a click event to the tableview itself instead of attaching it to a tableviewrow. the event-object inside the function will give you the index of the row you clicked. you can then open a new window containing the next tableview to display

    — answered April 8th 2010 by Christian Sigl
  • Thank you Christian for your quick answer, I have it working….. but I have another problem.

    I want the table view to work inside the MasterView of a splitWindow. When I click on the row it goes to the new window/tableview but the detailView of the splitWindow closes and I'm left with a black screen and the masterview.

    Do you think this is a bug with the new splitWindow?

    — answered April 8th 2010 by Daryl Camfield
  • sorry, i haven't used the iPad methods yet, but as far as i know the appcelerator devs will release a kitchensink for iPad development soon (should be a matter of days)

    — answered April 8th 2010 by Christian Sigl
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