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KitchenSink force closes on Verizon Droid

The titles says it all. In the 1.2 edition of kitchensink I get a force close when running the app on my droid. I've tried running from titanium via run on device and by copying the built apk file to my physical sd card and manually installing it.



In regards to Peter's post: I not only can't run with emulator, but my physical drown crashes on loading the app.

UPDATE: I am able to run new projects in the emulator. The KS seems to generate errors about missing components.


See the pastie for the full trace.

— asked April 11th 2010 by Dekker Dreyer
  • android
  • close
  • force
  • kitchensick
  • verizon

6 Answers

  • Accepted Answer

    Oops…in my post I forgot to mention the android.py replacement for Windows as well.

    What happened to me is that I was doing a lot of playing around trying to get it working, without much success, it must be said.

    Finally, I realised I was trying to load a bogus Kitchensink.apk left over from when the right versions of the tools were in place. For me, I editted the tiapp.xml file (changing the description or some such). This meant that the next time I was trying to build, it actually built.

    Looking at your trace file, could it have something to do with the com.google.android.maps library being missing?

    Could this be a version issue? Doesn't the Droid run 2.0 rather than 2.1?


    — answered April 11th 2010 by Ken Corey
  • Can you get a Trace level log to see what the crash is?

    — answered April 11th 2010 by Don Thorp
  • I am facing the same problem since 0.8.x, 1.1.x, 1.2.x

    Does anyone actually get kitchensink to run on the Android emulator at all?

    — answered April 11th 2010 by Peter Lum
  • I did get it running, but it's fairly frustrating as the errors are obscure.

    1) download the latest android SDK.
    2) download the latest Java JDK, make sure your environment variables point to the new SDK.
    3) download the latest Titanium + Kitchen sink.
    4) Install all of it.

    Now, you can try the 1.2.0 Kitchen sink in the emulator.

    To get it working on a real device (I've tested on A Nexus One) make sure you've got USB debugging setup on the device, (Settings->Applications->Development->USB Debugging).

    Do not mount the SD card on your computer when uploading. I was getting crashes on my android device as long as the USB was mounted. unmount the USB before running, as the app.js is on the SD card, which cannot be seen when it's mounted.

    That's it. It worked for me. Hope it helps you.


    — answered April 11th 2010 by Ken Corey
  • I was using a fresh titanium, jdk, android sdk, and all paths variables are working. I've also copied the updated android.py to the mobile sdk directory. USB debug is on and the sd card isn't mounted.

    It's weird because my other apps run. So I'm not too excited about changing the install setup that got me working, it's just not so hot that KS is the app that doesn't want to run.

    I'm going to leave the thread open to see if anyone else with more specific ideas pops in. I suppose if my custom apps run it could just be lesser of two evils, but I see other people are experiencing the issue too.

    — answered April 11th 2010 by Dekker Dreyer
  • That sounds like it might work. I'm not sure about Droid. I need to check the OS again because there was an update pushed to it two days ago. I assumed it was the newest os.

    — answered April 12th 2010 by Dekker Dreyer
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