Titanium Community Questions & Answer Archive

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Android Emulator not starting up

So I've been having this major problem with Titanium Developer involving testing and launching code for Android. I have two computers that I installed Titanium Developer on, one with Windows XP and one with Windows 7. I have Android SDK and Eclipse installed on both as well, and configured. However, Titanium Developer will not launch the Android Emulator on neither computers when I try to test the "Kitchen Sink" app I've downloaded, or even when I try to launch an empty project, just to see if it works. Also, the versions of Android SDKs that I have installed does not show up at the bottom of "Run Emulator" tab, it just says "loading..". I've tried to be patient with it, but after 2 hours I realize this is not working.

Finally, every time I start up Titanium, it repeatedly downloads and install the 1.0 app update.

I like this product (of what I've seen of it), I would love to get these problems solved so I can start developing with it.

— asked April 14th 2010 by Jerome Woody
  • android

3 Answers

  • hey buddy i had the same problem long back….just make sure the following is done,guess it should solve your problem

    1)set the android tools to the system path..ie. ../android-sdk-windows/tools… to the system path..

    2)set the Java to the system path and make sure its Java1.6 updated to 19.

    3)the android path that you specify at the appcelerator should be the root level ie.

    and not version specific such as

    — answered April 14th 2010 by Satta Ravi
    1 Comment
    • when i Unzipped the SDK, SDK.exe is there outside the SDK folder, due to that how many time i tried emulator was not launching, after coping the SDK.exe inside of SDK folder, then emulator started launching….So 3rd step helped me in resolving issue

      — commented April 17th 2014 by siva kumar
  • see (https://developer.appcelerator.com/question/15761/android-on-windows—please-confirm-its-wacked) for what took me ages to suss out.

    — answered April 14th 2010 by Ade stu
  • Try closing TiDev, deleting everything inside your ~/.android/avd/ directory, starting TiDev and then launching your app. It took 3 attempts to launch, but it's fine for me now.

    — answered November 9th 2010 by Paul Dowsett
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