Titanium Community Questions & Answer Archive

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iPhone resources pushed to Android


Why does the Resources/iPhone directory get pushed to the Android platform when deploying?

[DEBUG] C:/android-sdk/tools/adb.exe -e push C:/appc/proj/Resources/iphone/appicon.png /sdcard/Ti.debug/com.securitgroup.summit/Resources/iphone/appicon.png
[DEBUG] C:/android-sdk/tools/adb.exe -e push C:/appc/proj/Resources/iphone/default.png /sdcard/Ti.debug/com.securitgroup.summit/Resources/iphone/default.png
[DEBUG] C:/android-sdk/tools/adb.exe -e push C:/appc/proj/Resources/iphone/_notesdwsync.xml /sdcard/Ti.debug/com.securitgroup.summit/Resources/iphone/_notes/dwsync.xml


Surely in the interests of not filling up our 64MB sdcard we would only want Android resources copied to the sdcard?

— asked April 15th 2010 by Gregor Munro
  • andriod
  • compile
  • developer
  • iphone
  • I got a similar problem:

    Using the Android emulator, the Resources from the android-folder are used (that is correct), but using the iPhone emulator, the files in the iphone-folder are ignored (i.e. "not there"). That is with the latest Titanium Developer.

    — commented June 2nd 2010 by Markus Birth
  • As of today, i get this same strange behaviour. Any ideas? Have you resolved this issue?

    — commented September 1st 2010 by Jesus Duarte

2 Answers

  • I think everything under resources WILL be copied.
    If you have specific files for android, put them under the android folders.
    Same with iphone.

    Maybe you should try separate your iphone and android content into their specific folders and leave the common ones in the resources folder.

    — answered April 16th 2010 by Peter Lum
  • According to the "getting started" documentation…

    "Special resources per platform

    There are a few specific folders under Resources that are special based on the final application package. Underneath the Resources folder is an iphone and android folder (dependent on which platforms you're using). All files placed under these folders will only be available on the platform by name. The files in these folders will take precedence (and will be merged) over files in the root Resources directory."

    As you can see Resources/iphone is for the iPhone specific versions of my files. I have followed the Getting Started manual to the letter and have separated my iPhone and Android resources.

    — answered April 16th 2010 by Gregor Munro
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