Titanium Community Questions & Answer Archive

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Inconsistent compilations and bug fixing

I’m getting more and more frustrated by some of the idiosyncrasies of Titanium. For instance I have a problem now whereby a Titanium.UI.createScrollView does not want to display when it is a child of another view - ie this code does not work: http://pastie.org/938512.

But the final straw has to be that when I make changes to the source code, these are not being reflected in the code running on the emulator. For instance I had a simple Ti.API.info to display where I was in the program. It’s a really sh*tty way to debug, but it’s the best we have right now, especially when I come across things that work on Android, but not on the iPhone and vice versa.

I removed one of these from the source several days ago and yet it is still showing up in the log files. So I’m chasing my tail. Honestly I’m about ready to kick my Windows laptop and stick to just the iPhone because at least then the code works more reliably… although imageViews within a scrollview on iPhone don’t work in the 1.2.1 release… There is no error, they just fail to display.

Is anyone else experiencing these kinds of problems and how did they resolve them?

— asked April 28th 2010 by Gregor Munro
  • android
  • debug
  • imageview
  • iphone
  • scrollview

7 Answers

  • Hey Gregor.. I fixed alot of issues related to deployment since the 1.2.0 mobilesdk release, have you tried using one of our recent android nightlies?

    — answered April 28th 2010 by Marshall Culpepper
  • I did a git pull already today. I think the most recent update I have is Blain Hamon at 2010-04-28 14:44:32.

    — answered April 28th 2010 by Gregor Munro
  • Which problems are you seeing in Android? I assume the resource copy problem? (Is this all?)

    — answered April 28th 2010 by Marshall Culpepper
  • To force a rebuild,

    1. Delete the folder Debug-iphonesimulator inside Build folder
    2. Refresh the tiapp.xml file. You can just open it, add a space, delete the space and save it.
    — answered April 28th 2010 by Peter Lum
  • Hi Marshall,

    In android I am seeing two problems. The first is the resource copy, the second is the Titanium.UI.ScrollView not showing any content as per my pastie at http://pastie.org/938512.

    I am compiling on Windows and therefore there is no Debug-iphonesimulator. I have touched the tiapp.xml file tho.

    — answered April 28th 2010 by Gregor Munro
  • Are you updating the SDK version of your project when you pull / build / install the latest from Git?

    — answered April 28th 2010 by Marshall Culpepper
  • Marshall was right, the compilation issues appeared to be in 1.2.0, however the problems with scrollableViews remains.

    They don't act as scrollable views at all on Android. If you set the property contentHeight & contentWidth to 'auto' then any label that you add to the scrollView no longer displays.

    With respect to the scrollView on iPhone, imageViews that are added to the scrollView works ok in 1.2.0 but in 1.2.1 they too do not show and there are no error messages to indicate why not in the traces.

    Looks like the scrollViews are seriously broken.

    — answered April 28th 2010 by Gregor Munro
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