Titanium Community Questions & Answer Archive

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Scrollview text fields

Ipod app - If I have a textfield in scrollview and I click in the textfield it shifts the text field to the left as the keyboard opens. If you try to scroll while the text field has focus it will return to is original location. This seems to be a bug of some sort. Does anyone have a solution?

This is about the 5th time I have asked and an original question here and neither of the other 4 were even answered.
So if you have a possible answer to anyone's questions please answer them. Remember this is the Q&A section not just the Q section :o)

— asked May 7th 2010 by Stan Thompson
  • left
  • scrollview
  • shifts
  • textfield

2 Answers

  • Accepted Answer

    If nobody replies it means nobody knows…

    How are you positioning your textfield?

    — answered May 7th 2010 by Dan Tamas
  • I believe that that is the normal case "that nobody knows". But I also think people just don't take the time. So I am hoping people will contribute. :0)

    But that was the answer!!!

    Many thanks! I actually thought I had tried setting a value like left: 50,
    But I guess I didn't. I just tried it and it worked.


    — answered May 7th 2010 by Stan Thompson
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