Titanium Community Questions & Answer Archive

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Titanium Developer quit unexpectedly

Developer has just recently started mis-behaving for me on Snow Leopard. It was working fine, but now when I launch it, it just bounces for a while, then I get a message saying "Titanium Developer quit unexpectedly". The full details are on pastie at http://pastie.org/951556

Any ideas on how to get this going again? It does this 100% of the time I start it.



— asked May 8th 2010 by Greg Thomas
  • developer
  • macos
  • snowleopard

1 Answer

  • Hmm, after posting that I've discovered something interesting. Developer works for one user, but if they log off and another logs on, it doesn't work for the second person. I've even re-installed Developer with the second persons account, and I get the same - it works with user 1, but not user 2 (both users are administrators). Any idea what could be wrong?

    (If I were to hazard a guess, I'd say that Developer is trying to open the first users project even though it's being run by the second user, and is prevented from doing so because of a permissions problem - which it fails to handle in a nice manner).


    — answered May 8th 2010 by Greg Thomas
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