Titanium Community Questions & Answer Archive

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How do I programmatically close the child of a list in tab view

I have a standard tabView that contains a list. Each list creates a child view that the user can return from by clicking on "Back"

Any thoughts on how I programmatically trigger "Back" to nuke the detail view and get back to the list without the user needing to press the button?

— asked May 10th 2010 by Jon McCormack
  • back
  • iphone
  • tab

2 Answers

  • The first answer given to this question does not trigger the back command… You didn't even read the question. Just popping the window off the stack does not trigger the back command, but rather just leaves you at a blank, black page where you still have to manually hit the back button.

    This whole Q&A interface is useless… we need a real forum. There is no rhyme or reason for all of these questions thrown all over the place, and half the time, those answering the questions give code snippets or advice they haven't even tried themselves, so they don't even work, such as this answer.

    Not only that, it takes MONTHS just to get anyone to answer a question because they are too hard to find in this mess. Who ever came up with this Q&A system needs to go back to the drawing board. Quit trying to re-invent the wheel. Forums work, so don't fix what isn't broken… bring back the forum because this is a waste of time and not helpful.

    — answered August 6th 2010 by Jonathan Bardi
  • Titanium.UI.currentWindow.close() will close the current window and pop it off the stack. Calling close() on a window object obtained in any way will have this effect.

    — answered May 10th 2010 by Kevin Whinnery
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