Titanium Community Questions & Answer Archive

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Titanium Developer 1.2.1 fails to load after install

I am trying to write a how to guide for Ubuntu 10.04 and installing Titanium Developer and getting it to work, but other than about 25-30 seconds of a pretty bouncing cursor I get nothing when selecting Titanium Developer 1.2.1 from my menu system. When I attempt to run from a terminal, I get this though…


android/environment/system/Titanium Developer-1.2.1$ ./Titanium Developer 
./Titanium Developer: symbol lookup error: /usr/lib/libgdk-x11-2.0.so.0: 
undefined symbol: g_malloc_n

looking for any helpful assistance, I have found some almost useful information doing web searches, but many are out of date, and almost everything I found does not seem to work with Ubuntu 10.04. One search result suggested removing lines from a config file one by one until the error goes away… and a couple of people posted back that it worked! not exactly how I want to resolve the issue, unless it is the only way, as there is no way to tell what else might need that entry…

system: Kubuntu 10.04 32-bit clean install running in a VirtualBox VM on Win XP. step by step EXACTLY what I did is posted here: my blog site

— asked May 14th 2010 by joel perry
  • 32
  • bit
  • error
  • g_malloc_n
  • installation
  • linux
  • lookup
  • symbol

1 Answer

  • so the answer is that the Titanium Forums are not scanned by any search engine bots/crawlers…

    [link to solution on these forums] (http://developer.appcelerator.com/question/14471/symbol-lookup-error-usrliblibgdk-x11-20so0-undefined-symbol-gmallocn-solved)

    this solution works just fine.

    — answered May 14th 2010 by joel perry
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