Titanium Community Questions & Answer Archive

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Ad Hoc distribution (second try)

Does anyone have a final answer about Ad Hoc distribution and Titanium apps? I've seen posts where people are suggesting that I send my Developer Provisioning Profile out to testers but I dont consider that a realistic solution and I'm not sure it doesn't violate Apple's terms. Can someone from Appcelerator please post a definite answer/fix?
I uploaded my Ad Hoc profile to Titanium and built my app for distribution with it, but testers cannot install the app. I even tried adding an Entitlements file to the xcode project. Still no good.

EDIT: Testers get a "signer is not valid" error.

EDIT: The tester have all successfully add my Ad Hoc profile to their devices, and it has been confirmed.

— asked May 20th 2010 by Ben Hornedo
  • ad
  • distribution
  • fail
  • hoc

3 Answers

  • Are their phones' UDID in your provisioning file?
    i.e. you added them through Apple's developer site.

    — answered May 21st 2010 by Jackson Miller
  • @Jackson: is that a question?
    I don't see a question mark.

    Anyway: the Titanium.Platform.id parameter completely crashes everything, so even if the UDIDs were added, there is currently no easy way to verify them.

    — answered May 23rd 2010 by Pedro B.
  • I don't know if you're still working on this, but I ran into the same problem last night using Ti 1.5.1 and iOS 4.2. I followed the directions at http://developer.appcelerator.com/doc/mobile/guides/distributing_for_test_iphone, zipped up the build and the mobile provisioning profile, sent it out to testers, but they got the "signer is not valid" error.

    Then I tried the "Distribute" tab in the "Test & Package" section of Titanium, using my ad hoc provisioning profile as the "Provisioning Profile." When I hit "Package" I got a Python error message about the provisioning profile not existing at /Users/login/Library/MobileDevice/Provisioning\ Profiles/THE-PROFILE-ID.mobileprovision. I made a copy of my mobile provisioning profile using that name, stuck it in that location, hit "Package," and Ti built the app and fired up xcode, where I was able to mail the .ipa and mobileprovision to the tester, and it worked out fine.

    I did not mess with the entitlements.

    — answered January 27th 2011 by Ken-ichi Ueda
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