Titanium Community Questions & Answer Archive

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Open a NavigationGroup from a TabGroup

Can it be done? Do I need to add both the TabGroup and NavGroup to the same window?

I'd like to initially display the TabGroup and then on an action (Click) the NavGroup should slide over so they can edit values.

— asked June 2nd 2010 by Joshua Kehn
  • effects
  • groups
  • ipad
  • iphone
  • nagivationgroup
  • tabgroup
  • tabs
  • view
  • views

4 Answers

  • The NavigationGroup is used when you need a stack of windows outside a TabGroup (say, a single window application). If you'd like to hide tabs but retain the forward/back navigation of that component, you might consider just hiding the tabs by calling window.open({fullscreen:true}). Or if you have additional information on what you're trying to accomplish UI wise, we can see if we can help…

    — answered June 2nd 2010 by Kevin Whinnery
    1 Comment
    • I need to do a similar thing, but with another tab group rather than a nav group. A fullscreen window would remove the "back" button, so it's not quite right. (Please let me know if that deems I should post a new question instead.)

      The interaction I want to make is to have a tab that shows a list of items (got that already), and by clicking an item, open an editable detail page for it (got that, too). Because the detail page has numerous editable fields, I want to break up the detail page into multiple tabs (to avoid scrolling, and so that the iphone keyboard doesn't overlay the editable fields).

      The app iBird Explorer does this for detail pages on each bird by sliding the main tab bar out of the way with the tableview list of birds.

      Is that possible?

      — commented June 27th 2010 by Ted Haeger
  • Hi, I'd like to know too this concept, particulary the:

    "The interaction I want to make is to have a tab that shows a list of items (got that already), and by clicking an item, open an editable detail page for it (got that, too). Because the detail page has numerous editable fields, I want to break up the detail page into multiple tabs (to avoid scrolling**, and so that the iphone keyboard doesn't overlay the editable fields)."

    Thank you so much!!!

    — answered October 21st 2010 by Nuno Costa
  • Add Button to Tab Group Toolbar/Navbar

    This may be an alternative. The code:

    var btnEdit = Ti.UI.createButton({
        systemButton: Ti.UI.iPhone.SystemButton.EDIT
        // button was clicked
    tabWin.rightNavButton = btnEdit;

    You can also add a left button by doing:

    tabWin.leftNavButton = btnEdit;

    Reading these two questions: one and two helped me figure this out.

    The buttons will then display like:


    Note that this works for iPhones, not just iPads (haven't tested on Android). All the button options are listed here. Also, note that you can do similar things with the icons on the tab bar using these button styles.

    — answered April 15th 2011 by Joe iEntry
  • bump :)

    — answered October 22nd 2010 by Nuno Costa
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