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Build Failed. Missing App problem

I've seen a few other questions like this but I'm not sure they're the same issue.

Targeting iPhone, testing on device. I have iPhone SDK 3.2.2 and Titanium Developer 1.2.1, Titanium SDK 1.3

This is the message I'm getting:
Build Failed (Missing app at /Users/foo/Documents/projects/mobileApps/fooProject/git_working_copy/FooProject/build/iphone/build/Release-iphoneos/FooProject.app/FooProject). Please see output for more details

I don't know where this output is to be able to glean more details. I can confirm that FooProject.app does exist on my computer – I even tried dragging it into iTunes and syncing but it reports that it can't add the app to the device because of an unknown error. I couldn't find FooProject.app/FooProject on my computer FYI. I'm not sure if that really should exist or not though.


— asked June 3rd 2010 by Andrew Blair
  • iphone
1 Comment
  • I found a working solution via the company Twitter feed:

    I assume that Mobile SDK 1.3.1 will be pushed out soon, so probably the correct answer will soon turn into "updated your Mobile SDK from within Titanium". But for now, the above worked.

    I had the same "missing app" problem as you, and I have verified that Mobile SDK 1.3.1 fixed it for me. I also cleaned out the build directory and went back to Mobile SDK 1.3.0, and the problem re-appeared.

    — commented June 5th 2010 by Todd Trann

6 Answers

  • Accepted Answer

    Oh sorry, I'm still learning this system. I should have posted my comment as answer… here it is:

    I found a working solution via the company Twitter feed: http://pastie.org/992338

    I assume that Mobile SDK 1.3.1 will be pushed out soon, so probably the correct answer will soon turn into "updated your Mobile SDK from within Titanium". But for now, the above worked.

    I had the same "missing app" problem as you, and I have verified that Mobile SDK 1.3.1 fixed it for me. I also cleaned out the build directory and went back to Mobile SDK 1.3.0, and the problem re-appeared.

    — answered June 5th 2010 by Todd Trann
    • Well thats a real bummer as it hasnt worked for me! :( Tried both the above download and the latest via github!

      — commented June 5th 2010 by Scott Robinson
    • Cool. 1.3.1 is working for me, yeah. Ti Developer now puts my app into itunes and syncs with my device. I actually get a notice from itunes that it won't install the app because it's 'not signed'. The current theory is that it's just a certificate issue that I need to figure out. Todd, your confirmation that 1.3.1 solved your problem completely is insightful because it lets me focus on the certificate issue which has got to be the cause of my remaining problem.

      — commented June 5th 2010 by Andrew Blair
  • Open the xcode project file and compile it yourself - it will make it easy to see what's going wrong.

    — answered June 3rd 2010 by Damien Elmes
    1 Comment
    • Damien, the first error is that TiUIViewProxy is not defined. The first use of that type is used in this generated Objective C block:


      I would have to dig deeper into the generated code to figure out what's going on. Hopefully this helps one of the developers/contributors.

      — commented June 4th 2010 by Andrew Blair
  • Try deleting the build folder from WITHIN and build/iphone folder

    Then edit the project.xcconfig file (located in build/iphone) with a text editor to set an SDK version to lower than the one you are using. (eg: 1.2.0)

    Then try a rebuild/install.

    — answered June 4th 2010 by Kosso
    1 Comment
    • I tried that and it did add the app to itunes but said it couldn't sync because the app is not signed. All I can say is I know that the dev profile I have is attached to the device I have connected via USB. Also, when I changed the project.xcconfig to 1.2.0 I noticed in TiDeveloper it still read 1.3. I tried installing then i tried changing the value in TiDeveloper to 1.2 as well and still same issue.

      I tried creating a new project and replacing the new project's Resources dir with the old project's resources, that didn't work. I tried changing the project back to 1.3, that didn't work anymore even on my emulator as far as I can now recall.

      I thought in case it has something to do with my js code, I'd try a fresh project that I created in TiDeveloper. Without modifying the fresh project (which just has the two tabs that switch between two placeholder views), and that actually appeared to work without error but there was no trace of the app in iTunes or my device, weird.

      I tried changing the package of the KitchenSink project to the one that matches my profile and run it on the emulator (which works). I tried running it on the device and again, no app found in iTunes or Device, no errors reported by any of the programs involved.

      Discouraged, but glad someone's offering suggestions, thanks!

      — commented June 4th 2010 by Andrew Blair
  • edit - moved this comment lower in thread.

    — answered June 4th 2010 by Andrew Blair
  • Damien, the first error is that TiUIViewProxy is not defined. The first use of that type is used in this generated Objective C block:


    I would have to dig deeper into the generated code to figure out what's going on. Hopefully this helps one of the developers/contributors.

    — answered June 4th 2010 by Andrew Blair
  • No help unfortunately.. Just thought id post to say im having the same problem like many!

    Hopefully when the Dev team check the forums they can see the amount of people having this problem!

    Tried re-creating the project with no luck. Have had to drop down to 1.2.1 (Somewhere in between 1.2 and 1.3 so better than completely dropping back to 1.2!)


    — answered June 4th 2010 by Scott Robinson
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