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Using MapView in different windows

I'm working on an app that has a need for a MapView to be used in multiple windows throughout. It works fine on the iPhone, but on Android there is a stack trace error about only having one MapView per application.

Ok, so only one MapView. I should be able to create the MapView in the app.js file and pass it around (clearing/creating annotations as I go), but when I do that the MapView loads a single time, but no where else.

Has anyone created anything on Android using MapViews in multiple locations? If so, how?

— asked June 11th 2010 by Joe K
  • android
  • map
  • mapview
  • mobile
1 Comment
  • I really need to know answer to this as well.. new mutiple usage of MapVIew, it seems imposible in Android..

    Please help

    — commented August 9th 2010 by Petr Cervenka

2 Answers

  • I have found this solution:

    myMap.View = (function() {
        var singletonMap = null;
        var api = {};
        api.removeAllAnnotations = function() {
            while (singletonMap.annotations.length) {
        api.addAnnotation = function(a) {
            if (singletonMap != null) {
        api.createMap = function(_args) {
            /* not existsa => create it */
            if(singletonMap == null) {
                singletonMap = Titanium.Map.createView(_args);
                singletonMap.annotations = [];
            } else {
                //may be other implementation
                for(var key in _args) {
                    if(_args.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
                        singletonMap[key] = _args[key];
            return singletonMap;
        return api;
     to call it:
    — answered April 12th 2012 by Rainer Schleevoigt
  • For everyone that is struggling with this, essentially you will need to create a global instance of the mapview in Android, and then use that single instance throughout your application. This means:

    • Adding and removing the mapview from the window/view so at there is at most one window/view using the mapview at a time
    • Keeping a single javascript execution context throughout your application (otherwise map tiles will not refresh, and other weird bugs will happen from jumping execution contexts)

    I have to say that, even then, Android mapview experience is not the best in my experience. Sometimes when I open my app, all the mapview tiles show up, and other times (without doing any changes at all), the tiles for outside starting area do not show up.

    — answered November 9th 2011 by Johnny Wong
    • Johnny,
      Sorry to hijack thread but having same issue and thought you may e able to help.. Any help is much appreciated!!!!

      I am essentially doing the same thing, creating a global instance of a mapview and using it in 2 different places. The problem Im having is I open the first page, touch the mapview everything is ok. go back then to the second page touch the mapview and it blows up with :

      11-23 15:55:17.850: ERROR/TiUncaughtHandler(26866): (main) [704,880725] Sending event: exception on thread: main msg:android.view.WindowManager$BadTokenException: Unable to add window -- token android.view.ViewRoot$W@4064db80 is not valid; is your activity running?; Titanium 1.7.5,2011/11/02 17:00,ab20af7
      11-23 15:55:17.850: ERROR/TiUncaughtHandler(26866): android.view.WindowManager$BadTokenException: Unable to add window -- token android.view.ViewRoot$W@4064db80 is not valid; is your activity running?
      11-23 15:55:17.850: ERROR/TiUncaughtHandler(26866):     at android.view.ViewRoot.setView(ViewRoot.java:562)
      11-23 15:55:17.850: ERROR/TiUncaughtHandler(26866):     at android.view.WindowManagerImpl.addView(WindowManagerImpl.java:177)
      11-23 15:55:17.850: ERROR/TiUncaughtHandler(26866):     at android.view.WindowManagerImpl.addView(WindowManagerImpl.java:91)
      11-23 15:55:17.850: ERROR/TiUncaughtHandler(26866):     at android.view.Window$LocalWindowManager.addView(Window.java:433)
      11-23 15:55:17.850: ERROR/TiUncaughtHandler(26866):     at android.widget.ZoomButtonsController.setVisible(ZoomButtonsController.java:370)
      11-23 15:55:17.850: ERROR/TiUncaughtHandler(26866):     at com.google.android.maps.MapView.displayZoomControls(MapView.java:1053)
      11-23 15:55:17.850: ERROR/TiUncaughtHandler(26866):     at com.google.android.maps.MapView$1.onDown(MapView.java:341)
      11-23 15:55:17.850: ERROR/TiUncaughtHandler(26866):     at com.google.android.maps.GestureDetector.onTouchEvent(GestureDetector.java:488)
      11-23 15:55:17.850: ERROR/TiUncaughtHandler(26866):     at com.google.android.maps.MapView.onTouchEvent(MapView.java:683)
      11-23 15:55:17.850: ERROR/TiUncaughtHandler(26866):     at android.view.View.dispatchTouchEvent(View.java:3932)
      11-23 15:55:17.850: ERROR/TiUncaughtHandler(26866):     at 

      Essentially my code looks like the following:

      LT.AndroidMapview = Ti.Map.createView({
              mapType : Ti.Map.STANDARD_TYPE,
              animate : true,
              width : '100%',
              height : '100%',
              regionFit : true

      first page

      //remove from view when closing window
      win.addEventListener('close', function(e)

      second page

      //remove from view when closing window
      win.addEventListener('close', function(e)

      — commented November 23rd 2011 by Andrew Royce
    • hi,

      do you have any solution for this problem?


      — commented March 18th 2012 by Eliza Sapir
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