Titanium Community Questions & Answer Archive

We felt that 6+ years of knowledge should not die so this is the Titanium Community Questions & Answer Archive

Can I use objective-C programs or libraries within desktop app?


I'm looking at starting a desktop app in titanium but will eventually need to have the following features. Can some expert tell me whether titanium desktop will support them or should I go back to XCode?

  1. I will need to use mjsip and media libraries which are in C/C++.
  2. I will need to use websockets (which I'm guessing is supported since they are part of HTML5).
  3. Need to have drag n drop support for sending files.

Can the above features be implemented in Titanium desktop? This project will turn into an year long project (after a POC) which will need premium support.

So, in premium support, are bug fixes provided for any issues reported? Or is it just a quicker response to the forum questions?

Also, I have created an iPhone app in titanium with a small subset of features. Can any UI code of it be reused in desktop app?


— asked June 16th 2010 by Gaurav Srivastva
  • desktop
  • drag
  • drop
  • objective-c
  • websockets

1 Answer

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