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Does switch/case not work in Android apps?

The following seems to work just fine in Android:

var sortOrder = 0;
if (sortOrder == 0){

but THIS does not (even though it works fine on iPhone):

var sortOrder = 0;
switch (sortOrder){
    case 0:

Can anyone explain why? Do I just have to use if…else instead of switch/case on Android?

— asked June 29th 2010 by Kenn Nesbitt
  • android

8 Answers

  • Accepted Answer

    Remember that '==' in javascript will automatically typecast variables to be of the same type. My guess is you have "0" as a string rather than a number.

    You can run the following code in rhino to see this for yourself:

    var a = "0";
    if (a == 0) {
      // is true
    if (a === 0) {
      // is false
    switch (a) {
      case 0:
        // won't match
        // will
    — answered June 29th 2010 by Damien Elmes
  • Try using Ti.API.info instead of alert and see if you get output. If so, then it's possible that your alert is coming up behind your window.

    — answered June 29th 2010 by Don Thorp
  • This is just something REALLY stupid and silly to try…. but I'd just take a shot at adding the "default" case… maybe Androids compiler is being way more strict than it needs to be

    if that doesn't work, sorry for wasting your time :-/

    — answered June 29th 2010 by Stephen Gilboy
  • Thanks Don. Actually, in my code, I was using Ti.API.info and it doesn't work. I only switched it to alert in my sample above to make it a little clearer.

    — answered June 29th 2010 by Kenn Nesbitt
  • oh yeah… totally overlooked the fact you were using "alert" like Don saw… definitely not the debugging method of choice in this environment

    — answered June 29th 2010 by Stephen Gilboy
  • @Kenn,

    @dasher did a quick test and it worked for him on Android. That's why we're postulating that it might actually be a different issue. Could you share more of the code and/or a put a Trace level log in a pastie and share it with us?

    — answered June 29th 2010 by Don Thorp
    1 Comment
    • This is the test code I used: http://pastie.org/1022783

      — commented June 29th 2010 by David Ashwood
  • Don, here's my actual code:

    search.addEventListener('return', function(e)
        Ti.API.info('search.addEventListener called');
        currentWord = e.value;
        Ti.API.info('currentWord = ' + currentWord);
        if (currentWord != ''){
            Ti.API.info('sortOrder = ' + sortOrder);
            switch (sortOrder){
                case 0:
                    Ti.API.info('Calling searchRhymes');
                    message = searchRhymes(currentWord);
                case 1: message = searchRhymes(currentWord); break;
                case 2: message = searchSoundsLike(currentWord); break;
                case 3: message = searchContains(currentWord, 1); break;
                case 4: message = searchContains(currentWord, 2); break;
                case 5: message = searchContains(currentWord, 3); break;
        webview.html = htmlstart + message + htmlend;  

    When the app runs, here's the log:

    [INFO] Launching Android emulator...one moment
    [INFO] Building RhymeNow for Android ... one moment
    [INFO] Waiting for the Android Emulator to become available
    [INFO] Copying project resources..
    [INFO] Tiapp.xml unchanged, skipping class generation
    [INFO] Manifest unchanged, skipping Java build
    [INFO] Re-launching application ... RhymeNow
    [INFO] Launching application ... RhymeNow
    [INFO] [7,7899] search.addEventListener called
    [INFO] [42,7941] currentWord = test
    [INFO] [1,7942] sortOrder = 0

    Here's a Trace level log

    As you can see, even though sortOrder == 0, the case 0: never executes. However, if I replace the switch/case statement with the following, it works just fine:

    if (sortOrder == 0){
        message = searchRhymes(currentWord);
    } else if (sortOrder == 1){
        message = searchRhymes(currentWord);
    } else if (sortOrder == 2){
        message = searchContains(currentWord, 1);
    } else if (sortOrder == 3){
        message = searchContains(currentWord, 1);
    } else if (sortOrder == 4){
        message = searchContains(currentWord, 2);
    } else if (sortOrder == 5){
        message = searchContains(currentWord, 3);

    There are other switch/case statements in the app as well, and none of them execute.

    — answered June 29th 2010 by Kenn Nesbitt
  • Damien, that was it! I changed my switch statement to

    switch (parseInt(sortOrder)){

    and that solved the problem.

    What's troubling about this is that the switch statement worked well on iPhone, but broke on Android.

    Thanks for your help!

    — answered June 29th 2010 by Kenn Nesbitt
    1 Comment
    • I encountered various problems with pulling data from a database on Android, so now I just make sure to explicitly convert all columns I need to be in numeric form.

      — commented June 29th 2010 by Damien Elmes
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