Titanium Community Questions & Answer Archive

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What if you don't want your app to 'background'?

OK, so iOS4 has the ability to 'background' or multi-task an application so that it does not have to restart when the user returns back to use it.

What if you would actually like your application to close and there is no need for it to stay in memory? How is that done?

We have an app in development (using Titanium 1.3.2, of course) and we feel it would be nicer if the app closed itself on exit. Sure we can listen for events and then can get the app in to the state we want when re-opened, but I would hate for Apple to throw the app out because we were needlessly hogging memory.

As per the other thread here, a true exit is what we need.

— asked June 30th 2010 by Sam Sykes
  • background
  • exit
  • ios4
  • iphone4
  • multi-task

1 Answer

  • i saw this too in one of my apps, the login screen doesn't appear when reopening the app again, so the user isn't logged in. i could chance this of course, but it would be great being able to start the app from a fresh state, by using a tiapp.xml entry

    — answered June 30th 2010 by Christian Sigl
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