Titanium Community Questions & Answer Archive

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Running apps on iPad in emulated iPhone 1x/2x mode?

I'm a little baffled by this. I thought that if you didn't build specifically for iPad, that your iPhone app would be emulated in 1x/2x mode. However, when I launch the simulator and switch to Hardware->Device->iPad and launch an app (for example KitchenSink for iPhone) the Default screen launches and then everything just goes black or crashes. I have mobilesdk 1.3.2 and Xcode 3.2.3 with OS target 4.0 and iPhone Simulator 4.0.

— asked July 1st 2010 by Christopher Rumpf
  • emulator
  • ipad
  • simulator

3 Answers

  • Accepted Answer

    What happens when you run the application from Titanium Developer using SDK version 3.2? That works for me to run a mobile app in compatibility mode for iPad.

    — answered July 1st 2010 by Appy McDev
  • Interesting. I tried building with SDK 3.2 and it worked. I think what had happened was that the apps installed on my ipad simulator were from broken builds that I had after upgrading my SDK. I guess there are different app spaces between ipad and iphone under the simulator?

    So here's a follow-up question, in Titanium Developer, I only have SDK 3.2 and 4.0 options with the latest Xcode install. Launching with 3.2 seems to load/launch the ipad simulator where 4.0 does the iphone. For deployment purposes, is it advisable to be building against the 3.2 or 4.0 SDK? Does it matter? How do you determine the deployment target in Titanium?

    — answered July 1st 2010 by Christopher Rumpf
  • There are some known issues with the Titanium Mobile SDK 1.3 which can cause issues running in the iPad simulator for an iPhone app.


    — answered July 2nd 2010 by Mike Robinson
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