Titanium Community Questions & Answer Archive

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YQL Sample, keys, and misc.

So the kitchen sink has a great example of using yql, but when I use the same code in my application (slightly modified to work properly with a sible tab) it provides a error with NSDomain…

Simply put, I cannot find any good documentation on using yql with Titanium, nor any examples that show where to enter in the keys that Yahoo provides. I cannot even find this in the kitchen sink example.

Does anyone has sample code illustrating a standalone yql app (not flickr related) that works in 1.0.0???

— asked March 18th 2010 by Conrad Fuhrman
  • documentation
  • domain
  • error
  • yahoo
  • yql

2 Answers

  • Hi Conrad, here is a very simple sample code using YQL to get some data from Yahoo! Meme:

    // Including OAuth Secrets And set the OAuth Params
    var consumerKey = '######YOUR CONSUMER KEY COMES HERE ##########';
    var sharedSecret = '####### YOUR SHARED SECRET COMES HERE #########';
    Titanium.Yahoo.yql('SELECT * from meme.info WHERE name="acarlos1000"',function(e)
            Ti.API.info("Starting loop with YQL Query");
            Ti.API.debug('Found YQL results data? ' + e.success);
            if (e.message)
                Ti.API.error('Error Message: ' + e.message);
            meme = e.data.meme;
            memeName = meme.name;
            memeUrl = meme.url;
            guid = meme.guid;
            memeTitle = meme.title;
            memeNumFollowers = meme.followers;
            memeAvatarUrl = meme.avatar_url;
            memeDescription = meme.description;
            //Debug Info with data coming from YQL query
            Titanium.API.info('Data from query on meme.info table');
            Titanium.API.debug('Meme Description: ' + memeDescription);
            Titanium.API.debug('Meme Title: ' + memeTitle);
            Titanium.API.debug('Meme Avatar URL: ' + memeAvatarUrl);
            Titanium.API.error("Error = " + E);
    — answered March 19th 2010 by Antonio Silveira
    • I'm trying to use this with the fantasy sports api, but it gives me the following error:
      Authentication Error. The table fantasysports.players requires a higher security level than is provided, you provided ANY but at least USER is expected.

      Any ideas?

      — commented July 14th 2012 by Freddie C
    • @Antonio could you told me that whether this would also work for yahoo fantasy sports api too?

      — commented January 10th 2013 by Muhammad Wahhab Mirza
  • Outstanding!!! Now I just got a test working without the OAuth in the Simulator, is this required when doing device testing? If so, where do the limiting items come into play.

    If not, I know Yahoo limits 5000/IP, does anyone have a good idea of how iPhones/Android Devices register IP's?

    Thanks again for the reply, it truly helps a ton!

    — answered March 19th 2010 by Conrad Fuhrman
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