Titanium Community Questions & Answer Archive

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Activate iPhone 4 LED Light

I know this is extremely far fetched haha, but would anyone be willing to explain how to active the iPhone 4's LED. Any advice or help would be appreciated. Thanks!

— asked July 16th 2010 by Ross Waycaster
  • flash
  • iphone4
  • led
  • light
  • mobile
  • module
  • os4
1 Comment
  • uhh… like a module maybe?

    — commented July 16th 2010 by Ross Waycaster

4 Answers

  • Sorry about that. I should have followed up, since I was looking at the source code, not the documentation. If you compile for iOS 4.0 and above, there's a number of useful things.

    Ti.Media has 3 constants regarding the flash:

    • Ti.Media.CAMERA_FLASH_ON

    Use these with the Ti.Media.CameraFlashMode property, which is readable and writable.

    There are also 2 constants and an array regarding which camera:

    • Ti.Media.CAMERA_FRONT
    • Ti.Media.CAMERA_REAR

    Additionally, the Ti.Media.availableCameras property is a read-only array listing what cameras the device has.

    To determine which camera is currently chosen, use the read-only Ti.Media.Camera property. Use the Ti.Media.switchCamera function to switch cameras.

    — answered August 10th 2010 by Blain Hamon
    • Thank you Blain, trying to light the led but can't get this working…
      Can you post an simple example code to explain this?

      iOS 4.0.1 - Titanium Developper 1.2.1 - SDK 1.4.0

      — commented August 19th 2010 by Nicolas Arcay Bermejo
    • Here is the code from the Kitchen Sink:
      Ti.Media.cameraFlashMode = Ti.Media.CAMERA_FLASH_ON;
      I think the camera has to be on for it to work though.

      — commented September 14th 2010 by Robert Reinhard
    • This appears to no longer work in SDK 1.6.1 – has the code changed in some way?

      — commented April 11th 2011 by Andrew Skinner
  • http://www.iphonedevsdk.com/forum/iphone-sdk-development/51651-access-camera-flash-2.html

    Here is the code to make it work from Xcode. A build and run from xcode and the light turns on, but I have no idea how to get this to work from Titanium.

    Someone please help!

    — answered July 16th 2010 by Ross Waycaster
  • I have asked this on webinar presented by Kevin W. a week ago and they said the front-facing camera and led flash is supported under 1.4 Titanium Mobile. I looked at the 1.4 API ( https://developer.appcelerator.com/apidoc/mobile/1.4 ) but cant find any reference to front-facing cam or the led flash properties.

    — answered August 9th 2010 by Felipe Apostol
  • Hey guys!

    For the flash stuff you have to check the property:
    Ti.Media.cameraFlashMode (case sensitive)

    To change it you can use Ti.Media.setCameraFlashMode(PARAM) .

    PARAM could be:

    Unfortunately you can't start the led and use it as a torch, you can only control the camera flash handling (on, off, auto) while taking a photo.

    — answered June 21st 2011 by Jan Lohmer
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