Titanium Community Questions & Answer Archive

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Need some help to decide if I should use Titanium


I have read a Q&A thread (http://developer.appcelerator.com/question/14261/end-of-titanium-appcelerator-for-iphone-os–new-rule-in-apple-licence) that indicates Appcelerator Titanium does not meet Apple's TOS and applications developed by using Titanium may have been banned. Unfortunately, the thread does not end with a decisive statement.

Q1: Can you please inform me about the latest situation.

Also, as I can see, Titanium has the best breed of documentation and provides an easy to use platform for developing mobile apps for multiple devices. Unfortunately, Symbian is not supported by Titanium. Esp. in Europe, as far as I know, Nokia still has a considerable market share and I don't want to ignore the Nokia handset owners in my app.

Q2: Will Symbian support be provided? If so, when?

Q3: If I develop my application using Titanium, theoretically, the code I've written (HTML+CSS+Javascript) should be reusable by other development platforms such as Phonegap. Thus, in practice, is it possible to use Titanium for Android and iPhone development while using the same code in something like Phonegap to build the Symbian application? What will I go through if I make that move?

I would appreciate if you can help me decide which mobile development platform I should use.



— asked July 17th 2010 by Taner Girgin

1 Answer

  • I'm not from the Appcelerator team so I'll answer only on what I'm sure of:

    Q1: It does. The code is generated as objC and compiled from here ( you get the whole project and can use xcode to compile it). Anything that is JS is executed using the webkit found in iOS SDK.
    I have applications in Appstore done with Titanium approved after the latest license changing.
    Also on this forum you will find a lot of apps in the same situation.

    Q2: Blackberry it's on its way, donno about symbian.

    Q3: The difference between PhoneGap and Titanium is that PhoneGap exposes some phone capabilities to a webkit, so you basically have an enhanced browser.
    Titanium creates a truly native application, so the performance will be a lot better then a PhoneGap app.

    The cross-platform re-usage of the code is not 100% possible due the difference of the each platform, but the tweaks are minimal.

    If you want to create heavy apps, that needs performance go with Appcelerator. If your apps are "simple" websites that you want to run locally use PhoneGap. ( simple does not mean lower in quality or features, just trying to explain that a webview will eat a lot of resources on your device, and for performance apps might not be the best solution ).

    — answered July 17th 2010 by Dan Tamas
    1 Comment
    • Thank you for your replies Tamas. They have been enlighting.

      — commented July 18th 2010 by Taner Girgin
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