Titanium Community Questions & Answer Archive

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iPhone SDK Always Loading

I have a Macbook Pro 13" (new) and just installed the iPhone SDK 4.0 and Titanium 1.2.1. After that, I opened Titanium up, installed the Mobile SDK update to 1.4.0 and opened the kitchen sink iPhone project.

When I go to Test & Package > Run Emulator > iPhone, the SDK dropdown remains at "loading…" forever.

Is Titanium not compatible with iOS SDK 4.0 or is there something I need to do?

— asked July 29th 2010 by Andrew Munsell
  • emulator
  • iphone
  • sdk

4 Answers

  • Downloaded the latest build from here, unzipped it, and added the 1.4.1 directory to /Library/Application Support/Titanium/mobilesdk/osx.

    "Loading" problem is no longer there but when I select SDK 3.2 to launch my app in it brings up an iPad simulator. Needed to use SDK 4.0 to launch the iPhone simulator.

    — answered September 3rd 2010 by Gerald Manipon
    1 Comment
    • After i downloaded the latest build (1.4.2) , and started Titanium, it don't found any SDK and download old version (1.2.0) again. I solve this problem by renaming SDK directory (/Library/Application Support/Titanium/mobilesdk/osx/) from "1.2.0" to "1.4.2" and then all works fine.

      — commented November 12th 2010 by Scalar4eg Blo4no
  • Titanium is compatible with iPhone SDK version 4. What the "loading…" text usually means is that Titanium Developer does not see the Xcode tools on your system path. If you go to your terminal and run "xcodebuild" and nothing happens, then probably your path is not configured correctly and you'll have to put /Developer/usr/bin on your path (this SHOULD have been done by the Xcode installer automatically). To correct this, you could also reinstall Xcode and the iPhone SDK, but this might be considered a 'nuclear option'.

    If adding the tools to your path doesn't work, run the following from a terminal:

    ~/Library/Application\ Support/Titanium/mobilesdk/osx/1.4.0/iphone/prereq.py project

    Should see:

    If not, paste the output and we can see what might be up.

    — answered July 29th 2010 by Kevin Whinnery
    • Oddly enough it says "Missing Apple XCode"… I guess I will be reinstalling the SDK then. I'll report back in a few hours after it downloads… Thanks!

      — commented July 29th 2010 by Andrew Munsell
    • Even after reinstalling the SDK it still says {"success":false,"message":"Missing Apple XCode"}… Any ideas?

      — commented July 29th 2010 by Andrew Munsell
    • Ok, so I readded the /Developer/usr/bin folder into the $PATH, but it still stays "loading" forever. What should I do at this point?

      — commented July 29th 2010 by Andrew Munsell
    • I'm still geting a constant "Loading…", too. My app won't run at all in the emulator. I did everything listed here and installed the new patch from last night. I get this when I run prereq.py: {"success":true, "sdks":["4.0","3.2"],"ipad":true}
      My prereq.py wasn't under my home dir so I created a link to it. Any help or ideas would be appreciated.

      — commented September 2nd 2010 by Neil Pullman
    • This just started happening to me as well. Was working fine since I first installed a couple weeks ago. I was in the middle of working on an iPhone app, went back to Titanium to the Test&Package tab and SDK was Loading…

      I have reinstalled, no dice. Really don't want to reinstall iPhone SDK if I don't need to.

      prereq.py reports:
      {"success":true, "sdks":["4.0","3.2"],"ipad":true}

      — commented September 2nd 2010 by Stephen Babigian
    • Upgraded my Macbook to Snow Leopard 10.6.4, installed xcode 3.2.3, and ios sdk 4.0.2. Installed Titanium and followed the GettingStarted(Mac) pdf. Mobilesdk was still 1.2.0. Tried to run on the iPhone emulator and it shows the "sdk" textbox as "loading". Clicked on launch anyway and got this log:

      [INFO] Compiling JavaScript…one moment
      [INFO] No JavaScript errors detected.
      [INFO] One moment, building …
      [INFO] Performing full rebuild. This will take a little bit. Hold tight…
      [INFO] Executing XCode build…
      [INFO] Executing XCode Compiler [toggle output]
      [INFO] Compile completed in 1.034 seconds
      [INFO] Launching application in Simulator
      Unknown or unsupported SDK version: loading…
      /Library/Application Support/Titanium/mobilesdk/osx/1.2.0/iphone/iphone_sim_activate.scpt: execution error: File iPhone Simulator.app wasn’t found. (-43)
      [INFO] Launched application in Simulator (6.79 seconds)
      [INFO] Application has exited from Simulator
      Traceback (most recent call last):
      File "/Library/Application Support/Titanium/mobilesdk/osx/1.2.0/iphone/logger.py", line 7, in <module>
      import os, sys, subprocess, time, signal, run, filetail
      File "/System/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.6/lib/python2.6/subprocess.py", line 401, in <module>
      import select

      Okay, so now I download and install mobilesdk 1.4.0, restarted Titanium. SDK still shows "loading" and the log when I try to launch is this:

      [INFO] Compiling JavaScript…one moment
      [INFO] No JavaScript errors detected.
      [INFO] One moment, building …
      [INFO] Performing full rebuild. This will take a little bit. Hold tight…
      [INFO] Executing XCode build…
      [INFO] Executing XCode Compiler [toggle output]
      [INFO] Compile completed in 0.547 seconds
      [INFO] Launching application in Simulator
      Unknown or unsupported SDK version: loading…
      /Library/Application Support/Titanium/mobilesdk/osx/1.2.0/iphone/iphone_sim_activate.scpt: execution error: File iPhone Simulator.app wasn’t found. (-43)
      [INFO] Launched application in Simulator (1.31 seconds)
      [INFO] Application has exited from Simulator

      Any ideas?

      — commented September 3rd 2010 by Gerald Manipon
    • Also when I toggle the output it shows this:

      [DEBUG] executing command: xcodebuild -configuration Debug -sdk iphonesimulatorloading… WEB_SRC_ROOT=/Users/gerald/dev/Appcelerator/HelloWorld/HelloWorld/build/iphone/tmp GCC_PREPROCESSOR_DEFINITIONS=LOGID__=3155dbd6-9682-4fb1-9ccd-573414159d28 DEPLOYTYPE=development DEBUG=1 IPHONEOS_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET=3.1 TARGETED_DEVICE_FAMILY=iPhone
      [ERROR] xcodebuild: error: SDK "iphonesimulatorloading…" cannot be located.

      — commented September 3rd 2010 by Gerald Manipon
    • my log is as below after I run prereq.py:

      andy@Wang-Andys-MacBook-Pro~/mobile.workspace:/Library/Application\ Support/Titanium/mobilesdk/osx/1.4.0/iphone/prereq.py  EQ31Formulas 
      Traceback (most recent call last):
        File "/Library/Application Support/Titanium/mobilesdk/osx/1.4.0/iphone/prereq.py", line 158, in <module>
        File "/Library/Application Support/Titanium/mobilesdk/osx/1.4.0/iphone/prereq.py", line 153, in main
        File "/Library/Application Support/Titanium/mobilesdk/osx/1.4.0/iphone/prereq.py", line 138, in check_for_package
        File "/Library/Application Support/Titanium/mobilesdk/osx/1.4.0/iphone/prereq.py", line 79, in check_itunes_version
          minor = int(ver[2])
      ValueError: invalid literal for int() with base 10: '.'


      — commented September 6th 2010 by Andy Wang
    • I installed the system updates last friday, before doing updates, My TiDeveloper works well with iPhoneSDK4.0, after that, the loading of iPhoneSDK seems waiting forever.

      — commented September 6th 2010 by Andy Wang
    • I'm having the same problem. Did a fresh install of TiDeveloper, upgraded to 1.4.0 and reinstalled the XCode/SDK.

      xcodebuild is in my path; the output is:

      xcodebuild: Error: the directory /Users/foo/appcelerator/helloworld does not contain an Xcode project.

      And I get the following from prereq.py:

       /Library/Application\ Support/Titanium/mobilesdk/osx/1.4.0/iphone/prereq.py project
      {"success":true, "sdks":["4.0","3.2"],"ipad":true}

      And I still get the continual Loading… message inside of TiDeveloper. Any ideas?

      @Andy Wang: I think you need to give prereq.py the literal argument project, instead of the name of your project (EQ31Formulas).

      — commented September 6th 2010 by James Martin
    • I am now using 1.4.1 as of build: Sep 4 2010 22:11 rdc0620a5 From
      I no longer get the perpetual: SDK: loading…

      — commented September 6th 2010 by Ron Burns
    • I get the same output, true, sdks 4.0 and 3.2 ipad true. After this I have changed the Titanium sdk version at the edit window (helloworld and kitchensink). Now it shows the sdk version

      — commented September 19th 2010 by Marco van Zomeren
    • I did what Marco said, (I changed the Titanium SDK version to 1.6.0) and now i can build and run my iPhone app. But I had to run prereq.py as mentioned above.

      — commented February 16th 2011 by Joan Lindhout
  • I just found a similar thread on this site, which indicates the problem is caused by the recent iTunes 10 upgrade. Making the suggested change to prereq.py has done the trick for me and the iPhone emulator is working again.

    — answered September 6th 2010 by James Martin
  • I had a similar case, finally, all I had to do was

    • select the project in the "project pane",
    • click on "Edit" from the top menu, then
    • select "1.6.2" in the Titanium SDK,
    • save changes and you're done :)
    — answered July 8th 2011 by Waleed Fahmy
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