Titanium Community Questions & Answer Archive

We felt that 6+ years of knowledge should not die so this is the Titanium Community Questions & Answer Archive

What should I do if I have problems logging in to Titanium Developer?

After installing Titanium Developer, I attempt to log in with my existing Appcelerator Developer account (or sign up for a new one), and I am getting errors. What might be causing this behavior?

— asked July 29th 2010 by Kevin Whinnery
  • installation

1 Answer

  • This typically happens if firewall software is preventing the Titanium application from making outbound server requests, or if your internet connection is running through a proxy server (typical in some corporate environments).

    Titanium Developer attempts to automatically detect your proxy settings based on your platform, but you can manually configure your proxy settings via the following system environment variables:

    — answered July 29th 2010 by Kevin Whinnery
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