Titanium Community Questions & Answer Archive

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Verbose Error Messages

Is there any plan to enable more verbose error messages within Titanium Developer?

It seems like every other day I have an error while installing an app to a device saying just "Install error".

It would be much easier to fix the issue if I knew what was going on.

I know I can check the build.log folder but sometimes this file isn't even touched when Titanium throws this error.

— asked July 30th 2010 by John Welch
  • developer
  • error
  • titanium

1 Answer

  • One way to get a more descriptive error message is to open the project in Xcode, switch to Device and Release in the top left corner and build and run.

    This gave me an error message which was easily fixed.

    (My App id was incorrectly set. I feel like I've fixed this 20 times before for whatever reason it never stays saved.)

    — answered July 30th 2010 by John Welch
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