Titanium Community Questions & Answer Archive

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Facebook Session Proxy

Is it ok to use the Appcelerator Facebook proxy in a production application?

This is what's in the KitchenSink app, and I get an error on first time login without using the proxy.

Anyone getting this to work without the proxy, or have advice on using the proxy in an app?

— asked March 21st 2010 by Blake Byrnes
  • facebook
  • login
  • proxy

1 Answer

  • Accepted Answer

    This is a good question and probably not obvious what the session proxy is for.

    The sessionProxy is defined by Facebook Connect as a way to allow you to use your own server for validating the user session for your Facebook app. It also gives you the benefit of not having to put your application's secret key in your app since it can be contained within the session proxy.

    However, the session proxy requires that you keep your application id, session proxy, etc. and do direct validation on the server side to Facebook.

    If you used our session proxy, you would be logging your users in to Titanium Test App (Kitchen Sink) not your app. So, no, you wouldn't want to use our session proxy as-is. :)

    We have considered creating a simple service as part of your account that would allow you to configure your application info and we'd host the session proxy for you since a number of people seem to be interested in this. However, we're not sure if that's something that enough people would want/value.

    — answered March 21st 2010 by Jeff Haynie
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