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install error 1.4.0 and 4.0 SDK

Hi all

Trying to update my iPhone 4 with with my updated app using 1.4.0 and 4.0 SDK I just get an install error! and nothing else?

Actual message:

Titanium developer (1.2.1)
install error

Had patched iTunes? have I missed any other updates?

— asked August 2nd 2010 by Mark Pierce
  • 1.4.0
  • error
  • install
  • iphone

6 Answers

  • Make sure Titanium SDK 1.4.0 is selected in your project settings. Try editing and saving the tiapp.xml file (so it gets a new timestamp) and rebuild your project (try running on simulator first).

    If it doesn't work, open you project in XCode and try building and running on your device from there, see if you get any error messages.

    — answered August 2nd 2010 by Goran Skledar
  • Ok. edited the tiapp.xml and saved. this did not help unfortunately.

    Ran the build with Xcode and got this error: Command /bin/sh failed with exit code 2

    that unfortunately means nothing to me. Does it to anyone else?


    — answered August 2nd 2010 by Mark Pierce
  • Clear out your build folder. I've noticed on occasion that permissions get messed up and XCode has problems rewriting files. I haven't figured out how to release the files in question other than a restart though which is a pain.

    — answered August 2nd 2010 by John Welch
  • I'm having the same issue using both 3.2 and 4.0. App runs great in simulator. All ids have been verified and seems to be correct. When installing onto a device I get "Install Error"

    I was able to get the app to compile for the iPad by creating a new project and then replacing it's assets. Whether this is coincidence or not, I don't know, but this seems to work best if you deploy the new project to the iPad and then replace it's assets.

    — answered August 10th 2010 by Jag Lavek
  • I had a terrible problem with this (install error when trying to build for iphone). Open your build folder and iphone folder and look at your build log for problem. Mine was that it was looking for a mobile provision profile named after the random string appcelerator assigns to it. I had to go into the builder.py and hardcode in the name of the mobile provisioning profile I wanted to use. Kind of a pain but it worked.

    — answered August 10th 2010 by Kevin Ripka
    • Thanks Kevin. I followed your direction but to no avail. I was able to resolve the default_app_logo.png issue (the default image provided by Titanium is not 72x72). I'm going to post the ERROR output in a separate thread.

      Thanks again,

      — commented August 10th 2010 by Jag Lavek
    • Following Kevin's advice, I found the same string of characters in the build.log. Turns out, its not so random. It's the uuid of the profile. I know that when you install the profile by dropping it onto XCode sometimes it does the same thing. So, Here's what I did to fix the problem:
      –Install new itunes 9.2.1
      –Remove provisioning profile from ~/Library/MobileDevice/Provisioning Profiles folder
      –in XCode organizer window removed provisioning profile from my iPod.
      –Downloaded the same profile from apple dev center, but did not install it
      –In Titanium 'Run On Device window' I selected the provisioning profile from my downloads folder. When I checked in the ~/Library/MobileDevice/Provisioning Profiles folder, the profile was now named its uuid. So everything now matched, and I was able to install

      — commented August 17th 2010 by Brett Johns
    • Thanks Brett, spot on

      — commented August 26th 2010 by Guus Mathijssen
    • This worked for me as well. Great advice!

      — commented November 14th 2010 by Stefan Jakobsson
  • I just tried building and installing using xcode, and the problem I got there is that the xcode sdk wasn't updated to the newest version, so it couldn't publish to my iPhone.

    — answered August 11th 2010 by Chris Callender
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