Titanium Community Questions & Answer Archive

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First ad-supported app approved!

Not a question… I just wanted to let everyone know that my first ad-supported Titanium app was approved by Apple yesterday and is in the app store.

Based on code I found here in the Q&A, my adView code looks like this:

adView = Ti.UI.iOS.createAdView({
    width: 'auto',
    height: 'auto',
    bottom: -100,
    borderColor: '#000000',
    backgroundColor: '#000000'

adViewAnimation = Titanium.UI.createAnimation({bottom:0, duration:750});

adView.addEventListener('load', function(){

This app is a rhyming dictionary for songwriters and poets. If you'd like to try it out, here's a link:

RhymeNow Free Edition

Once its been up for a while, I'll try to come back and post some metrics on how the ads are doing (e.g., CTR, eCPM, etc.).

— asked August 12th 2010 by Kenn Nesbitt
  • adview
  • iphone
  • mobile

7 Answers

  • Thanks Kenny. This will be helpful!

    — answered August 13th 2010 by John Lullie
  • Congrats!

    — answered August 13th 2010 by Peter Lum
  • Congrat kenn,

    Would love to see your ads result someday.

    FYI, you app stuck in splash screen on device running < 3.2, you'll need to trap Titanium.Platform.version for adview. I mentioned that below.


    — answered August 13th 2010 by Daniel Lim
  • Congrats, and thanks for sharing!

    — answered August 13th 2010 by Kevin Whinnery
  • Daniel, thanks for the update! I'm submitting a fixed build today.

    While I'm at it, I'm putting in some code to display AdSense or AdMob for <3.2.

    — answered August 13th 2010 by Kenn Nesbitt
  • I just downloaded you app and all I see is the test ad for admob. I have a iphone touch v4.0.2

    — answered August 22nd 2010 by Laurence Chapman
    1 Comment
    • Laurence, that's because although I fixed the iAds code, I added code for AdMob, but forgot to set "test:false" before I submitted it to the app store. Oops. Updating now.

      — commented August 23rd 2010 by Kenn Nesbitt
  • FYI, the revenue from my first ad supported app is pretty pitiful. However, that's okay because: 1) I wasn't expecting much; it's not an app that anyone would spend much time in, and 2) The revenue from my paid app has gone UP since I have the free app promoting it.

    That said, here are the numbers. After 14 days in the app store I have:

    eCPM: $4.10, Requests: 15,222, Impressions: 4,429, Fill rate: 29.10%, CTR: 0.32%, Total Revenue: $18.16

    The fill rate seems to be about what others have reported here. However, because my click-through-rate is only about a third of what others have reported, the eCPM is also about a third. The app has been averaging about 130 downloads a day, so I think 15,222 requests is a pretty good number.


    Today I had my second ad-supported app approved. This one will probably get more downloads and, because I expect people to spend more time in it, it should get a lot more ad impressions. If you'd like to try it out, here's a link:


    — answered August 27th 2010 by Kenn Nesbitt
    • thanks for posting those details, it's awesome to see some real figures on an app!

      quick question, where did you get the info to incorporate the adView into your project? any code you could give would be appreciated, thanks!

      — commented August 27th 2010 by danno watts
    • and just to be more specific , i'm talking about AdMob ads.

      — commented August 27th 2010 by danno watts
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