Titanium Community Questions & Answer Archive

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Localized Texts in Native Elements


i'm developing an app for the german market. I have set my simulator's language to german but still the back button in the navBar has the text "back" instead of "zurück" and the title of the mapView's blue point is "Current Location" instead of "Aktueller Standort".

DId i forget something or is this a titanium issue?

— asked August 18th 2010 by Michael Gajda
  • ios
  • iphone
  • localization
  • mobile
  • titanium

2 Answers

  • Want to push this, has no one an answer?

    — answered August 27th 2010 by Michael Gajda

    I am not entirely sure what I did to make this happen. All I can say is that I did the following:

    1. Moving my Info.plist from <ProjectName>/build/iphone/Info.plist to <ProjectName>/
    2. Opening the Info.plist file and changing the language to "Denmark".
    3. Compiling (which somehow makes a copy of the Info.plist and puts the copy in the original place, but keeping my changes).

    I guess maybe I did something to make a complete recompile (you can force this by deleting the directory: <ProjectName>/build/iphone/).

    All of the sudden it started working… :D

    I am having the exact same problem. I am developing an application for the danish market, and would like the native elements to appear with danish texts (my specific problem lies with the search field and the associated cancel button).

    So far I have tried fixing the Info.plist file - I followed the advice from another thread:

    1. Moving my Info.plist from <ProjectName>/build/iphone/Info.plist to <ProjectName>/
    2. Opening the Info.plist file and changing the language to danish
    3. compiling (which somehow makes a copy of the Info.plist and puts the copy in the original place, but keeping my changes).

    This, however, did not do anything for me with regards to getting danish working in the native elements. Maybe I am not using the right value for danish; I have tried some different variations, such as Danish, Denmark, da, dk and so on. No luck so far.

    I have seen quite a few threads regarding this issue, but so far no answers. Any thoughts?

    — answered November 17th 2010 by John Doktor
    • did you cleaned your build directory before?

      — commented November 17th 2010 by Marc Bender
    • I mean, before you compile again?

      — commented November 17th 2010 by Marc Bender
    • At all, you can open your XCode-Project and set the correct language in XCode…. then use the generated info.plist….

      — commented November 17th 2010 by Marc Bender
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