Titanium Community Questions & Answer Archive

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Unable to create distribution .zip

Hello guys!

I use iPhone SDK 4, Titanium 1.4.0 and i try to create the distribution zip to upload on itunesconnect.

Unfortunately, although the profiles are correctly set, titanium doesn't create the zip. There are no errors, it seems to be doing something (i see the activity of the CPU) but no .zip file.

After this process, it simply opens the Welcome screen of XCode and then nothing…

Is there a specific workaround?

Thank you so much!

— asked August 25th 2010 by Savvas Panagiotidis
  • distribution
  • iphone
  • mobile
  • zip

4 Answers

  • Accepted Answer

    The submission process for apps has been changed by Apple. You can't upload an app through the web interface anymore. Instead you need to do this….

    1. Login to itunes connect and either add a new application or add a new version. Step through the process all the way to the end and your status changes to Waiting For Upload.
    2. Back in Titanium package the app for distribution and xcode should open.
    3. In xcode organiser select 'Archived Applications' from the left menu and then expand the app you have just packaged so you can see all the dates.
    4. Select the dat you wish to upload and then hit the 'Validate Application' button, enter your itunes connect username/password when promted and then you should get a box to select the app you want to update. This box will only show if you have gone through the process in step 1, else you get nothing.
    5. If it validates then you can hit the 'Submit Application….' button and it will then upload. Then after a while you should get a notification its all done.
    — answered August 25th 2010 by Andrew Burgess
  • You have first make on Itunes Connect an entry for your program.
    Also you should have put your keys for that program over the Xcode icon.

    Only then you can do the validate button and it will make that .ipa file.

    Sometimes frustrating, I know !


    Johan Pyfferoen

    — answered August 25th 2010 by Johan Pyfferoen
  • If i change the Titanium SDK to 1.3.2 it gives me the zip.

    Did something change on SDK 1.4.0?

    — answered August 25th 2010 by Savvas Panagiotidis
  • If you still have questions…


    — answered August 25th 2010 by Daniel Lim
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