Titanium Community Questions & Answer Archive

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Trouble with sending data to a new window

My app is about 80% done but I'm running into an issue that I hope someone can help with.

I'm pulling in JSON data from a Drupal site and displaying info (teaser info) in a tableview all works great. I need to pass data from the row to another page. I used the kitchen sink example to pass some text to the next page but can't get a function to pass.

I'm trying to pass data[c].nid to view.nid = "data here"; in page.js. I can pass a number or text into it but can't get data[c].nid to transfer.

— asked August 25th 2010 by Jason Calvert
  • drupal
  • iphone
  • json

1 Answer

  • Figured it out. I'm using the below code to send the node id. One problem though, it only send the first node in the JSON field for each teaser not each teaser's id.

    win.node = function(e)
            var nodeid
            nodeid = label2.text
            return nodeid
    — answered August 25th 2010 by Jason Calvert
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