Titanium Community Questions & Answer Archive

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Develop iPhone App on Mac and Windows

Hello guys.
Just a quick question regarding iPhone development.
I was looking around for the an answer, but did not find any similar question.

So, in our company we all use Windows (XP) except two machine of the graphic design office (the first has 10.6 and the second 10.4).
We've succesfully installed the Apple SDK on the 10.6 machine, and we're going to install Titanium on that machine also. And we can't upgrade the 10.4 machine.

My question is: given that this 10.6 machine is used by the graphic designer, can we use Windows XP for development and then move the project files on the Mac for the deployment?

That means:

  1. we code on windows
  2. we test on windows
  3. we move the project to Mac
  4. we pack&deploy on Mac.

For the step 2: this implies testing the software in the Titanium iPhone Simulator.

— asked September 3rd 2010 by Enrico Bono
  • iphone
  • windows

4 Answers

  • Hi Enrico,
    unfortunately there is no "Titanium iPhone Simulator".
    Titanium completely relies on the native development kits (i.e. XCode for iPhone and the Android SDK) for building , testing and deploying your applications. In other words, during the early testing phases, your iPhone application is executed in the simulator provided by the iPhone SDK.
    That said, in theory you could perform step 1 on Windows and steps 2-3 on a Mac, but that would be highly impractical (leading to a huge waste of time).
    You definitely need a Mac (even a Mac Mini) for development and testing.



    — answered September 3rd 2010 by Olivier Morandi
    1 Comment
    • Ok but is this possible to move Win source code to Mac and then generate application.

      — commented September 3rd 2010 by Marcin Muras
  • Good question. I have same situation in my company so also waiting for response :)

    — answered September 3rd 2010 by Marcin Muras
  • What if I test for Android on Windows?
    I could do the testing on Android and then move all to Mac…

    — answered September 3rd 2010 by Enrico Bono
    1 Comment
    • Probably this could represent a temporary solution while getting started with the tool, however, for any development activity other than building some example, it can't work beacause, in Titanium, Android and iOS devices are not treated equal, so don't expect your code to be "written once and run everywere" seamlessly.

      — commented September 3rd 2010 by Olivier Morandi
  • Ok so with titanium we can't code once and build it for both Android and iPhone? But where is the problem? If I don't touch Titanium.UI.iPhone or Titanium.UI.Android i thought everything will work on both platforms.

    — answered September 3rd 2010 by Marcin Muras
    1 Comment
    • In theory and for applications that don't require complicated UI layouts you're right, however in general you need to spend some time tweaking with the code for getting the desired results on the specific platform and an app that looks great on iPhone might have some visualization problems on Android (in my experience the vice-versa is rarely the case anyway, i.e. an app that looks great on Android looks good on iPhone most of the time).

      — commented September 3rd 2010 by Olivier Morandi
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