Titanium Community Questions & Answer Archive

We felt that 6+ years of knowledge should not die so this is the Titanium Community Questions & Answer Archive

What does iPad project do for me that the Mobile project does not?

If I am going to develop an app that is intended for both iPhone and iPad, do I really need two projects?

Is there not a way to use the same project for both devices (with unique case handling where appropriate).

I suppose there is some basis for launching the simulator, but why then isn't iPAD just a device selection just like iPhone/Android, etc within a Mobile project?

If I setup one project and just handle device specific differences in the code, am I only giving up the ability to run the simulator from Ti in the appropriate device?

If I do setup two projects, but use symbolic links for the Resources folder (or subdirs under Resoures) and just build the code itself to handle the different device cases, will this be sufficient?

What else am I missing?

— asked September 5th 2010 by John Pataki
  • ios
  • ipad
  • iphone
  • iphone mobile

1 Answer

  • I was wondering the same thing, ipad is technically even closer to being an iphone app then android is. It could be the same binary if you wanted, with a runtime check to decide if the device is an ipad and potentially layout the app differently.

    There is an open lighthouse ticket for this feature request:


    — answered September 5th 2010 by Cameron Royal
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