Titanium Community Questions & Answer Archive

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Looks Like Good News For Titanium Apps

Apple relaxed their mobile app restrictions, so your app is good as long as it doesn't try to download any code (webkit html/js doesn't count):


— asked September 9th 2010 by Kyle Quest
1 Comment
  • It wasn't so clear cut before, which kept a lot of companies and developers away from Titanium even though technically it was ok. This is a huge benefit in terms of the future adoption and certainty of the platform. It makes no sense to invest into development on a platform spending a lot of money and time just to throw it away later one because the platform is only borderline legal and one step away from being banned.

    — commented September 9th 2010 by Kyle Quest

5 Answers

  • Yep, good move by Apple - the situation and lack of clarity from them was frankly getting ridiculous. This means more developers for Titanium Mobile!

    — answered September 9th 2010 by Alan Bourke
  • At the moment apple's new terms have no benefit for Titanium Mobile as it has been legal all the time.

    But the new rules can be important for Titanium Mobiles Future, the developers can research new ways for us to write and optimzie the apps. One possibility would be integreating googles V8 javascript compiler, this would make it possible to compile javascript instead of interpreting and coupling it more with objective-c. At the moment the javascript<->objective-c is a little bit slow, with v8 it would be blazingly fast allowing more and more features to exist, for example a fast game engine

    — answered September 9th 2010 by Tobias Petry
    1 Comment
    • It has been legal by Appcelerator's reading of the Apple Terms And Conditions (and RhoMobile and the rest) … but this was only ever an interpretation until the situation was set out in black and white by Apple yesterday.

      — commented September 10th 2010 by Alan Bourke
  • At the moment apple's new terms have no benefit for Titanium Mobile as it has been legal all the time.

    But the new rules can be important for Titanium Mobiles Future, the developers can research new ways for us to write and optimzie the apps. One possibility would be integreating googles V8 javascript compiler, this would make it possible to compile javascript instead of interpreting and coupling it more with objective-c. At the moment the javascript<->objective-c is a little bit slow, with v8 it would be blazingly fast allowing more and more features to exist for example a fast game engine

    — answered September 9th 2010 by Tobias Petry
  • For those of us that remember the dark days back in the spring, this is indeed tremendous news and whilst it's probably got more to do with commercial considerations than the rights & wrongs of any principle, who cares!

    I'll bet the phones will be ringing off the hook in Mountain View, CA.


    — answered September 9th 2010 by Chris Reed
  • Hey guys -

    Thank you for all your support. Seriously, you guys have been kicking some serious butt while all this happened. I can tell you that, behind the scenes, we're making huge, huge investments in the platform across the board. I know that sometimes this isn't apparent, but over the next couple months, you'll see some gargantuan announcements.

    And all that is because you keep pushing the platform forward and evangelize from the rooftops whenever you can. No matter what.

    So, thank you.

    — answered September 9th 2010 by Scott Schwarzhoff
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