Titanium Community Questions & Answer Archive

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Any way to hide the splash screen?

Is there any way to hide the splash screen and go directly into the app?
I also need for the app to be useable ASAP - is there some minimum startup time that will always make the app unavailable on startup?

— asked September 11th 2010 by Takahito Torimoto
  • splash
  • splashscreen
  • startup

6 Answers

  • Kind of for android. You can just change the theme.xml file in the build directory (but it might get overwritten if you do a full rebuild)

    Change This …

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <style name="Theme.Titanium" parent="android:Theme.NoTitleBar">
      <item name="android:windowBackground">@drawable/background</item>

    To This …

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <style name="Theme.Titanium" parent="android:Theme.NoTitleBar">

    This just removes the background display, it may still produce a lag with a blank screen (not on mine but it's an empty app)

    One thing 1.4 for android does not have is any kind of orientation awareness for the splash as far as I can tell.

    If you want to write your own splash then create a window in app.js and do all the logic from there.

    In iPhone I can find the code for the splash in the titanium source so you could make a patch to hide it, couldnt find it in Android, looks like it's just a function of themeing for the moment (but I could be wrong on that)

    Another simpler answer might just be to use a very small transparent png for the background image so that it doesnt show in either.

    I wish the would allow you to write your own handler for this, seems like a lot of people do not care for default behavior (self included)

    — answered September 23rd 2010 by Todd Werelius
  • I don't think it is possible to remove the splashscreen as Titanium is initializing the modules while the screen is being displayed.

    I'd check that you are using as few modules as possible, for example if you don't need Facebook remove any references to the Facebook namespace.

    Another trick that Apple uses is you can make your splashscreen an image similar to your first page. This tricks the user into thinking it is not loading but available. By the time they click your app should be initialized.

    If those two solutions do not work, you can bump into the code. I'm sure you could customize the framework to provide the exact experience needed.

    — answered September 11th 2010 by Ben Bahrenburg
  • double post sorry.

    — answered September 11th 2010 by Andrea S
  • Hi,
    you can't remove it due the Apple's AHI (Apple human interfaces guidelines) compliance.
    You can use the trick to make the splash similar to your main windows.
    Due to the approval process i suggest you to keep it.


    — answered September 11th 2010 by Andrea S
  • Look at getglue's app. What the developer did was create the splash screen just like the main screen minus the content so it looks like the app is opening up the main screen. Pretty clever if you ask me. All of apples apps also follow this same technique.

    — answered September 11th 2010 by Sj Singh
  • Yikes - ok, but even if you "fake" it, I assume events won't get sent to the app (i.e. keyboard or touchscreen) - so it will be unresponsive while it has a "screenshot" of the main screen. Not exactly what I'm looking for.
    I'm surprised - why does Apple require a splash screen on the iPhone?

    So on a related note - is there any way to skip the splashscreen on Android - at least using Titanium Mobile?

    — answered September 11th 2010 by Takahito Torimoto
    1 Comment
    • Did you look at getglue's app?

      — commented September 12th 2010 by Sj Singh
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