Titanium Community Questions & Answer Archive

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Update tutorials please

Can Appcelerator dump all of the videos on this site? They are misleading, and to me looks like its a bait/switch tactic to get people to sign up and then pay for support.

Most everything on there is out of date (for example, the demo showing how to post to TwitPic, those files referenced dont even exist).

Also, how about a straight-up "tutorial" section?

— asked September 13th 2010 by Josh Lewis
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3 Answers

  • How 'bout you read the Getting Started Guides? That + KitchenSink taught me everything I know, plus a little help from this Q&A board :)

    — answered September 13th 2010 by Colton Arabsky
    • +1

      Seriously, Josh and Scott, they are giving away this tool for free. Cut them some slack if the free tutorial videos are a bit outdated. As someone who used the above mentioned items to teach myself (and publish an app already!) I would prefer that the developers keep coding and improving this excellent product instead of updating the videos.

      — commented September 14th 2010 by Joe Bossalini
    • I understand that they're giving it away for free, and it looks like it can be a great asset to those who dont want to learn Objective C.

      My point, though, is that if you're giving away a product and it totally deviates from the examples you have posted, then they need to be changed. I mean seriously, all they have to do is a screengrab while they're doing a simple project.

      — commented September 15th 2010 by Josh Lewis
  • The Kitchen Sink application is your best bet as far as examples go. Not a tutorial per se, but an invaluable resource.

    — answered September 13th 2010 by Bart Lewis
  • I came here to post almost the identical comment Josh. Those videos are completely useless. How exactly does one go about learning how to use Titanium? I'm about done with hunting and pecking for a simple How-To.

    And Bart, that's nice. Unfortunately, I've no idea how to make use of The Kitchen Sink and as far as I can tell, I need to pay you $200.00 a month for someone to explain it to me or to just read something that's not hyperbole. Awful.

    — answered September 13th 2010 by Scott DeSapio
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