Titanium Community Questions & Answer Archive

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Another can't get Android emulator to run - haven't found the answer in the forum, so...

Sorry for the redundancy folks, but I couldn't find an answer from all the other similar posts here.

My platform: OSX, Titanium and Android SDK complete installs / latest updates

Here's the pastie of my trace statement from trying to run the HelloWorld example from Titanium's "Getting Started" documentation.

Thanks in advance for any help and / or guidance.

— asked September 18th 2010 by Joshua Sherer
  • adb
  • android
  • emulator
  • osx
  • permissions
  • services
  • trace

2 Answers

  • I recognize the problem. My way to "solve" it is to close the Android emulator with a Forced Quit by default. This seems to help. I only cannot get the KitchenSink app to run in the Android emulator, but my apps do.

    — answered September 18th 2010 by Pieter Kubben
    1 Comment
    • Thanks for the advice, Pieter. But I've done the "Forced Quit" of the build and the Titanium app. I've also completely uninstalled (all of the Library items as well) the Titanium app and the Android SDK and then reinstalled Titanium and placed the Android SDK in a different folder (1st time in my HD's root and the 2nd in my profile's Documents' folder) and I am still getting the first error that I mention in my pastie link, which is:

      [TRACE] Error: /mypath/.android/avd/titanium_4_WVGA854.ini (Permission denied)

      — commented September 18th 2010 by Joshua Sherer
  • Yes, I finally figured it out!

    OS X users with the same / similar problem listen up!

    It's a permissions issue, so forget about the "how and why" and cut to the chase.

    Close down Titanium Developer.

    Open up your terminal.

    Get a super-user shell open:

    sudo sh


    <your password>


    chown -R <your user profile name> /Users/<your user profile name>/.android


    chown -R <your user profile name> /tmp/android


    Projects compile just fine, even KitchenSink!

    — answered October 2nd 2010 by Joshua Sherer
    1 Comment
    • Joshua – thanks for the suggestion, as I've been battling getting my Android emulator to even appear as a tab in Test & Package. Still no luck. I don't see a tmp/android folder on my machine.

      I'm on OSX Snow Leopard with Titanium SDK, but have an assortment of other problems:
      – can't get Web Inspector to load (selecting Show Inspector does nothing)
      – can't create a TD 1.4 project unless I first create it as 1.2, then switch it to 1.4
      – no Android Emulator tab

      Have uninstalled and reinstalled pretty much everything, but no luck. Any chance you have any suggestions, or could help me out outside of this forum? Have spent a lot of time just getting everything up and running. Thanks, Marc

      — commented October 2nd 2010 by Marc Charnow
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